Parks, Snapbacks and Fat

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Remember how I mentioned Peaches looking like Mae Mobley? That right up there is her and she's the cutest human being so you're welcome.

Alison's POV

"The baby is coming in just three and a half months!" I say, my eyes wide. "That's so soon! That's too soon!"

"NO!" Peaches yells adamantly. "Baby get hewe now!"

Emily laughs, coming up behind me and nuzzling my neck. "Yeah, baby get here now."

I chuckle. "Well my heart monitor is out."

Emily narrows her eyes. "Don't try to get out of that one month of resting you have left."

"Me?" I fake being offended. "Never!" I lean down to Peaches. "Hey, baby, you wanna go to the park?" I ask excitedly.

"Yeah!" She laughs. "Pawk! Pawk! Pawk!"

I raise an eyebrow at Emily. "You gonna disappoint that face?"

She chuckles, rolling her eyes. "I could never disappoint either of you." She says, giving me a cute kiss on the cheek.

It's March and just getting warm again so she throws on a white t-shirt and some black skinny jeans with black converse and a black snapback that says Bruh in white letters on it. I gotta admit that she looks pretty hot.

We get to the park and Emily takes my hand, helping me out of the car. I hold my belly. "Ugh I'm so fat."

"Peaches fat too, mommy!" Peaches says, patting her belly. It's true too. She's a super chubby baby but it just makes her cuter.

I giggle. "I know baby." I pick her up and swing her around.

"Ah, ah, ah." Emily scolds.

I roll my eyes and set Peaches down. "I know, I know. No heavy lifting. No picking up Peaches." We go down to the playground.

I sit on the bench right in front of it and Peaches runs over to the slide. "Mommy, watch dis!" She squeals as she clambers to the top and stands above it.

"I'm watching!" I grin.

She sits on her butt and scoots forward, making herself whoosh down. "WHEEEE! MOMMY WOOK! WOOK AT MEEEE!"

I laugh and clap. "Good job, honey!"

Emily comes from the car with her long board over her shoulder. "Peaches, want me to teach you something?"

Peaches gasps and waddles over. "Ye! Ye! Emmy teach me to wide on it wike you!"

I giggle as Emily sets her up on the board and gives her a gentle push. She starts rolling then wobbles and starts to fall backwards.

Emily catches her and giggles. "Oopsie."

Peaches mimics Emily. "Oopsie!" Then she laughs like crazy.

I get up, using one hand to push myself off the bench and the other rests on my stomach. I walk over to them. "Wanna show her how?" I suggest. "I can't ride one by myself with this big fat belly, but together..."

Emily grins. "Of course." She gets on the long board.

Then she helps me on and holds my waist tightly. She pushes off with her foot and we start to roll at medium pace.

Peaches laughs loudly and waddle-runs along next to us cheering us on. "Go mommy! Go Emmy! Go, go, go!"

Emily finally stops us and puts Peaches back on. She makes the little girl go and holds her hands, running along with her on the long board.

"I did it! I did it just wike you and mommy!" Peaches laughs.

"Yes you did!" Emily smiles.

Emily's POV

We go back home and sit on the couch when Ali and I suddenly get a text alert.

I groan because I'm pretty sure  already know who it's gonna be. And Ali knows it too, judging by her expression.

What a happy little family you've
become. It'd be a shame if that
family were to be ruined. I'd pay
some extra attention to Peaches,
my darlings.

- A

Alison hugs the little girl to her chest. "This has gone too far!" She lowers her voice to a whisper. "Now A is threatening my child. I can handle being threatened myself, but I already have enough to worry about with her. How close are we to figuring out who this person is?" I ask.

"Well Spencer and Caleb have been tracing the texts. They traced it back to a neighborhood in Ravenswood. We think this person might live there or at least go there a lot."

Ali nods, her expression hard. "Well let's go to Ravenswood. Tonight."

AN: So sorry this chapter is so short but they're going to look for A, bitchessssssssss!!! Now I'm watching 13 Going on 30. I'm just revisiting my childhood right now. All of these movies are so good! Are any of you going to see The Visit? Me and my friend Paige (Who co-owns this account) saw it yesterday. It was good!

- G. Schreiber

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