Lies Misunderstandings and Tests

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A few months later

Alison's POV

I take shaky breaths as I hold the pregnancy test in my hand. The timer dings and I look tentatively. There is a little blue plus sign.

I'm pregnant. Again. (AN: I know this always happens. I'm basic. But it needs to in order for something else to happen.)

It's been a month since it happened and now I know and I don't know what to do. I have to tell Emily.

CeCe knocks on my doorframe. "Ali?"

I look up and quickly hide the test behind my back.

"Why are your eyes all red and puffy?" She moves to sit next to me. "And what are you hiding behind you back?"


Before I can process she grabs the test and her eyes go wide. "What the fuck, Alison?" She looks mad. "Did you cheat on Emily?"

I shake my head quickly. "Dominic came back. He-" I bust out into tears before I can finish the sentence.

CeCe pulls me into a hug and rubs my back. "Shhh. It'll be okay." She pets my hair. "But you have to tell Emily.

"I know."


"Are you okay, baby?" Emily asks with a concerned smile as we sit on her front porch. "We haven't hung out much in the past month. I keep thinking your still mad about that fight."

I shake my head. "No it's not that. But something is going on."

"You can tell me anything." She takes my hand. "I love you."

I take a deep breath and let the words rush out before even I can process them. "I'm pregnant."

Emily slowly retracts her hands and I immediately feel cold and alone.

"Y-You cheated on me?" She sounds so small and broken and her face looks so hurt. "How could you?"

"Emily, no. I-"

"You know what? Save it!" Her face is angry now. "I can't believe I fucking trusted a teen mom. I should've known better!"

"Please listen!" I try. "Let me explain!"

"What is there to explain?!" She spits. "You fucking cheated on me!"

"Emily you don't get it! I-"

"What don't I get?!" She rages. "You can't get pregnant without fucking a guy, Ali! We haven't even fucked yet and I'm not a guy! Which is another thing that makes me mad! You wouldn't let me go past second base! You said it was about Dominic and how he raped you! But if was really because you're fucking some dick behind my back?!"

Tears stream down my face. This is exactly what I was afraid of. I reach out and touch her arm. "Baby, please-"

She rips away. "Don't touch me you whore!" Then she gets up and dashes inside, leaving me.

I sob and curl into a ball. My life is ruined.

Emily's POV

My heart is shattered into a million pieces. I could literally hear it crack inside me. I never thought Alison was that type of girl, but I was obviously wrong about everything.

Tears leak out of my eyes and I peak out of the front window.

Ali is still on the porch. Her head is in her knees and she's shaking with her whole body. I want to wrap her up and comfort her and never let her go. But she ruined everything. Part of me hates her and I need comfort too.

I wipe my eyes with my shirt sleeve and run up to my room.


"Emily, what's wrong?" Hanna asks gently as she sits on the bed next to me. "Your mom says you haven't gotten up all day."

I wipe my eyes and look at Hanna. "Ali and I just broke up."

"What?! Why?!"

"She-she cheated on me!" I sob.

Hanna's face goes from shock to pure rage. "I'll kill the bitch." She snarls.

"No." I shake my head. "Please don't talk like that."

"I need to make that slut pay for what she did to you!"

"I just need you here, Hanna. Please."

"Okay." The blonde sighs. Then she wraps me in her arms and holds on tight.


The next day rolls around and I'm dreading school. Thinking about her is painful enough. I can't even imagine actually seeing her.

The worst part is that I'm so madly in love with her. Every time I think of her I wanna forgive her and take her back.

"Hey Em." Hanna says, sidling up to me. "We're here for you."

I look over and see all the girls. We stare at the school. Finally I have the courage to walk in.

I go to my locker which I remember is inconveniently placed next to Ali's.

I see her walk down the hall with Courtney holding her hand. They stop at Courtney's locker and Courtney hugs her tight. Ali is shaking slightly.

Then they part ways and Ali walks over to her locker.

She keeps her eyes locked away from me.

"You aren't even gonna acknowledge me?" I ask, a bit hurt.

"I thought you hated me." She says nervously.

I gulp. "I do." I'm lying right through my teeth.


AN: It's been a while since I updated any of my fics. Sorry.😬 Also if any of you are good at edits and wanna make a cover for any of my stories private message me and I'll give you my insta to DM me. Bye guys!

- G. Schreiber

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