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"You better not take my motherfucking chicken!" I glared at him. "Nic, its only one piece pay some mothafuckin homage." He laughed. "that's not what it even means dumbass."I yelled as he picked up a piece of chicken. I ran over and jumped on his back. "I told you," I laughed. He threw me on the couch and laughed. "Get your rest Nic, we got a tour to get to." He smiled as he walked out of my tour bus. My baby walked out of the bathroom and kissed me. "I'm sorry for what I did back then, I was just thinking about how bad I was to you." He frowned. "Shhh, baby go to sleep. I love you." I said as I pecked his plump lips.

Anyways thank you guys for everything like you always vote and leave comments like you're fucking awesome man. 😩❤️ but leave a comment and give me a suggestion on how i should continue this chapter. Tell me who you wanna see and what you want to happen. Thanks guys and happy pink Friday 💎❤️💗 (its 12AM where I'm at)

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