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After we ate me and Meek decided to go out and look at houses. After three ours we found a really nice house and we both agreed to buy it.
Meeks POV
"Hey babe, I gotta go meet the boys at work." I said. "What exactly is it you do Robert?" This is the first time she said my name, I knew she knew something. "I own a business with Tak & Coon. We buy shit from foreign countries and sell it to contractors." I said. "Don't get me in no trouble Rahmeek." She said with a stern look on her face. "Baby, I'm doing nothing wrong." I pleaded. Everytime she said Robert I died a little inside because I knew she wasn't happy. "Rahmeek, go to work." She kissed me and walked me to the car. "Bye baby, be safe I love you" She said. "I love you too babe." I smiled.
A few minutes later I arrived at our office.
"Ayo, Meek where you been son?" Tak asked. "I got lots to tell ya'll. Remember my side? Well a nigga caught feelings, I wifed her up and shit. She's the one she keeps me going and shit." I smiled. Coon stared at me. "Well I'm happy for you bruh but what about Mel?" He asked. "I haven't talked to her in weeks. She knows I don't love her, that ain't my girl." I said. "Yeah but maybe she don't know that." Coon said. "Well she'll figure it out soon" I said. "Nicki don't know about us, our deal. I use our cover just to let ya'll know. I don't plan on telling her for a long time." I said. "Its a bad situation but its your decision." Tak said. "Anyways, we can call in our carriers." I said. Our business cover was we imported foreign goods and materials and resold them but it was really narcotics in those big metal crates. I picked up the phone and called the receptionist Martha to send in out carriers. "Coon, Tak these are our new carriers. We needed more since we started spreading out to different regions. This is Chippa, greatly known in South Africa. This is Samuel, greatly know in the asian region & last but not least this is Nickel, greatly know in russia. Now these are their code names." I explained. Tak and Coon shook all their hands. "Now we need to pick up 5 tons this month. I have printed out a plan and it is being passed around by my assistant, Lucy." "Now if you look at the paper, there is 6 carriers for each region. Except Russia, they have 10 because its a larger area. Each of you will be texted a number of each material you need to get. No number less, more is obviously good. If you loss more than half of the designated amount, none of your work will be counted and you will be deported out of the states. But if you don't lose any you'll be greatly paid." I smiled. "that's all for today's meeting, Tak & Coon will be taking over for the next week. I'll be in Turks and Caicos with my Fiancè." I laughed. "NIGGA WHAT?" Tak yelled. "Yall get out right now!" Coon yelled. Everyone scattered like roaches. "Meek, chill I know you love her and shit but damn." Coon laughed nervously. "Man ya'll tripping I love this girl. I'm leaving. I love ya'll man no homo." i said. I walked out the building and went home. When I walked in the house Nicki was lying on the ground. Unresponsive.

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