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The Life Of My Dreams 2 (chapter fifteen)


"Profit!" I yelled from Bray's room. He came in and stood in the doorway and stared at me.

"Yes?" He asked. I picked up four of the many dime bags of weed before looking at Profit in disbelief.

"Baby, either Bray is smoking all of this or he's selling it. Either way I'm not having it, what made him comfortable enough to bring this shit into our house?" I fussed, to say that I was in total shock was an understatement. This was kind of a lot to take in, because my son was either a drug dealer or a weed head. I didn't understand why he couldn't just come talk to us about something like this, especially knowing that his father was into smoking it and selling it.

"Don't worry about it ma, I'll talk to him. Okay?" Profit said taking the weed from my hand and leading me out his room.

"And baby stay out of this boy's room." He chuckled making me sigh. I was gonna have a long talk with Bray as soon as he got back from the grocery store.

After waiting for almost an hour we heard Bray come through the door with bags. Profit went downstairs to help him bring the bags in and I followed after him to go sit in the dining room. Once all the bags were in and everything was put away, I looked over at Profit raising my eyebrows.

"Come here son let me talk to you real quick." Profit said calling Bray into the dining room. He sat at the table and looked between the two of us.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked with a nervous expression.

"You know you can come and talk to us about anything right?" He started making Bray frown a little before nodding his head.

"Yeah. Where you going with this?" He asked making me sigh. Profit was beating about the bush and it was starting to aggravate me.

"Bray I found a bunch of weed in your room, what are you doing with it? Don't you know better than to bring that shit in my house?" I asked earning a glare from Profit.

"Ma what you doing in my room?" He asked.

"Boy." I said in a warning tone. He sighed and looked at me.

"I sell some, I smoke some." He said nonchalantly making my eyes widen and my heart skip a beat. I looked over at Profit and he looked unbothered like he already knew or something.

"So you think it's okay?" I asked Bray.

"Do you have any idea the example you're setting for your brother?" I asked shaking my head. He made a face and put his head down making me wonder what that look meant.


This is why I didn't want to say anything to her about it, because I knew she would act like this. I knew that my pops knew what was going on already. And she's talking about the example I set for Terrance, well little does she know he in this shit with me.

"Ma, it's not that serious-"

"It's not that serious?! What do you mean it's not that serious Braylon? This drug game is not a fucking joke, you're gonna fuck around and get your ass killed-"

"Come on Mia don't say that." My dad said looking over at her, she sighed and put her head down.

"Look Bray, you don't wanna get involved in this type of business. You don't know what you're doing and I don't want you to get hurt baby." She stressed.

"I know ma, but I know way more than you think I do. I'm good, you have nothing to worry about."

"You're right, I don't because you're going to stop this shit." She said sternly.

To be completely honest this whole conversation was pointless because I was still gonna do what I wanted to do. I nodded my head and got up from the table.

I pulled out my phone and texted Rich.

Aye nigga

Brotha 🤘🏾💉💂🏽: Wassup?

Moms caught me with the weed

Brotha 🤘🏾💉💂🏽: Nigga wtf how?

Man she was in my room probably going through shit again

Brotha 🤘🏾💉💂🏽: Damn bro what she say?

She asked me what I was doing with that shit and I told her and she said I was setting a bad example for T and that I was gone stop selling

Brotha 🤘🏾💉💂🏽: So what you gone do?

Ima keep doing what the fuck I been doing nigga, I don't give a fuck about what they gotta say

Brotha 🤘🏾💉💂🏽: Yeah okay yo mama gone whoop yo ass 😂

She ain't gone do shit 😂

Brotha 🤘🏾💉💂🏽: Did you tell her about all of us?

Nah man and I ain't gone tell her but you know ya moms probably gone ask you some shit cause I'm pretty sure my mama probably talking to yo mama as we speak 💀

Brotha 🤘🏾💉💂🏽: I'm already on it bro, you know how our parents are

Hell yeah man

Brotha 🤘🏾💉💂🏽: Alright bro, well thanks for the heads up

Fasho I'll get at you later

Brotha 🤘🏾💉💂🏽: Aight

I sighed and tossed my phone on the dresser before flopping down on my bed.


I laid in bed with Rich's head on my chest, he was fast asleep and I was up watching Double Take. My phone started vibrating and I saw that it was Mia calling.

"Hello?" I answered softly.

"Hey Ty you busy?" She asked sounding worried.

"No what's going on?"

"I was in Bray's room earlier and found some weed and I asked him about it. He told me that he was smoking it and selling it. I kind of went off, do you think it was the right thing to do?" She asked sighing.

"You probably shouldn't have handled it like that, you should've waited to see if he was gonna come and talk to you about it. Where did you find the weed?" I asked.

"In his room." She said sighing again.

"Mia you have to stop going through his room, he's too old for that. You have to realize that he's damn near grown and he's gonna make his own decisions. It's reality and we have to deal with, yes it's gonna be tough especially as parents because of course we don't want our kids out in the streets. And we know first hand that there's no happy ending in the thug life. But hey, we can't keep them up under us forever. All we can do as parents is let them make their own decisions and if they bump their heads, be there to comfort them then beat they ass." I told her making her laugh.

"Yeah you're right, I think I'm gonna talk to him again tomorrow. I don't ever want him to feel like he has to hide things from me or feel like he can't come and talk to me about stuff." She said taking a short pause and inhaling sharply before speaking again.

"Well that was all I needed, thanks Ty."

"No problem, get some rest and don't stress over this." I said, knowing her she was probably gonna drive herself crazy thinking about it.

"I'll try." She said as we both shared a laugh.

"Okay Mia, get some rest." I told her again.

"Goodnight Ty." We disconnected the call after we said our goodbyes and I got comfortable in bed before slowly falling asleep and making a mental note to talk to Rich about this in the morning. I was really hoping and praying that Jr wasn't in this with Bray. But knowing how close the both of them were, he probably was.

The Life Of My Dreams 2Where stories live. Discover now