Something New

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Okay so Wattpad deleted my chapter twice 😑 I had to rewrite it and I couldn't remember everything so forgive me if this chapter is bad 🤦🏽‍♀️ but...

-enjoy 😘

The Life Of My Dreams 2 (chapter sixteen)


Today was a big day for me, I was moving out of my parents' house. I needed my own space, I hated being questioned and I didn't need my mom going through my room like I was a damn baby.

Neither one of my parents were home right now and I took this as an opportunity to start packing my shit. I had got up early this morning and looked for some condos, and I was lucky enough to find the perfect one. My moms and pops didn't know I was moving but I was planning on telling my pops after I was settled in.

Since I didn't have anything but my clothes, shoes, bed, dressers and tv, I only needed one U-haul truck and my car. After I had everything in my place I called my pops up and told him to meet me here. My mom was out somewhere probably shopping so she didn't know I was gone. But I planned on telling her when she got back home.

After waiting for about an hour he told me he was outside so I went down and led the way back up.

"Yo this shit is nice." He said looking around and then frowning at all of the unpacked boxes.

"This you?" He asked staring at me.

"Yeah pops, this me." I told him.

"Wassup?" He asked stuffing his hands in his pockets. I sighed and put my head down.

"I know this wasn't the right way to do it, but when I talked you and moms a while ago about moving out she basically shot the whole idea down." I vented.

"Yeah she did and you're right it wasn't the right way to do it. But aye you grown, we can't keep you home forever." He said chuckling.

"And I'm getting tired of her going through my room and shit." I laughed making my pops chuckle. He dapped me up and nodded his head in approval after looking around again.

"What ya ugly ass waiting on? Give me a tour." He said making me laugh. I showed him around and when I was done he dapped me up.

"Damn son, you did good with this. What kinda furniture you putting in here?" He asked making me shrug.

"I was hoping that moms could help me with that. I know she gone be pissed but I don't know what to get." I sighed making him chuckle.

"Yeah good luck with that, she gone beat yo ass first then she might help you." He laughed making me smack my lips and wave him off.


I walked through the mall with only a few bags as I continued shopping. When I walked into Aldo, I looked around at all the shoes before I heard my name being called.

"Mia?" I turned in the direction of the voice and rage filled my body as I stared into the face of the very bitch who tried to set my man up. I never thought I would see this hoe again.

"Well if it isn't Loren the snake." I chuckled walking closer to her. She watched me nervously before she spoke again.

"I-I know we left off on really bad terms but I-"

"Bitch the only reason why I ain't snatched you up yet is cause I'm not trying to go to jail out here. Matter of fact what gave you the balls to even say something to me? If I were you I would've got the fuck up out of here. You still gotta ass whooping coming your way." I told her calmly before walking away quickly, I knew that if I stood there any longer I would've been on her ass like white on rice.

"You did good Mia." I told myself smiling. I've matured so much over the years, I don't just lash out. I think about it first and then I lash out. I pulled my phone out and called Ty.

"Hello?" She answered sounding like she was out of breath.

"Bitch I know you and Rich ain't fucking." I said smacking my lips, making her laugh.

"No, we just got done though." She laughed loudly making me laugh with her and shake my head.

"Hunny at the rate y'all going you're bound to get pregnant again." I joked before I continued.

"So you'll never believe who I just ran into." I said as I made my way to my car.

"Who?" She asked.

"Loren." I told her. She repeated her name a few times before she started yelling.

"Bitchhhhhh! I know you lying! Where the fuck you at? I'm on my way." She said making me laugh.

"I was at the mall, I'm gone now." She smacked her lips and huffed loudly.

"Well I know you beat that hoe ass, all the shit she did. You should've called me earlier Mia. I'm still beating her ass if I see her."

"Girl I'm getting better, you know I don't act a fool in public no more. And that's what I told her, when she had the nerve to try to talk to me."

"Girl please, I would've went upside her head so quick." We finished up our phone call before I headed home.

"Baby." I called up the stairs to Profit.

"Yeah babe." He answered coming down shirtless, I bit my lip and tore my eyes away from his body.

"Don't start no shit Mia." He chuckled walking over to kiss me. Before he could pull away I wrapped my arms around his waist and deepened the kiss.

"I missed you today." I mumbled against his lips.

"Oh yeah?" He asked making me nod. He picked me up settling my legs around his waist and walked over to the dining room table sitting me on it. I began to undress until I heard Terrance come down the stairs. I hopped down from the table and fixed myself.

"Hey mama." He smiled once he saw me.

"Hey baby, why aren't you in school?" I asked after he kissed my forehead.

"I had the shits ma, I don't know what I ate but- ouch!" He hissed when I punched him in his chest.

"Watch your damn mouth." I told him.

"Dang ma, you used to box or something?" He asked making Profit chuckle.

"Where's your brother?" I asked him, he looked over at Profit and shook his head.

"This one's all you pops." He said walking away making me look up at Profit confused.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Call him babe." He suggested making me squint my eyes. I fished my phone out of my purse and dialed his number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey baby where are you?" I asked before I heard him sigh.

"Can you meet me somewhere so I can talk to you?" He asked. I was beyond confused but I was very I interested in what he had to say.

"Yeah text it to me." I hung up grabbing my purse from the table and heading back to my car.

"Wait babe, I'm coming too." Profit said running upstairs to grab a shirt.

"Terrance are you coming too?" I asked yelling up the stairs.

"Nah Ima chill here." He responded. When Profit came down, we left. After driving for about thirty minutes or so we pulled up to some nice condos and went inside. I knocked on some door and soon after Bray opened the door and stepped to the side letting us in. I looked around in amazement it was really nice inside.

"Why are we here? Whose place is this?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Mine." He mumbled making me snap my head towards him and frown.

*sorry it's short 😭

The Life Of My Dreams 2Where stories live. Discover now