About four billion-fourteen-Forever

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My dearest,
Hold my hands somewhere
I am everywhere
My carbons went
back to the earth
And the cycle of the water
Is working out
As it falls down
And you're drowning
Release me
From the cage
Your heart has turned
Don't burry me in pain
Made fields

Hold my hands somewhere
I am everywhere
My atoms went
back to the earth
My bones are now already
Turned into powder
Then I bet please
For you to flee
Free from that grief
Your sadness is dreadness
When I can't help
And the reason is me
Don't pour my soul
To rest in pieces

Of couse my dear
The cycle of life
Like others
Must still go on
Have you donated
My organs?
Covered me
With dead plants
And putted a seed
On my stomach?
Give my clothes to the poor
Give my letters to beloveds
And, away,
The love you feel

caderno insossoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora