Chapter 1: The interview

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I sit here, on a white leather chair. A glass table with a roses arrangement right before my eyes, a floor-to-celing window with a view of New York skyline right next to me that is truly stunning and a wooded desk right across with no one sitting there. I ask myself "why am I here?" Oh right! My internship interview. Although my graduation date is still far, I am determined to start my career at this early stage. Alone with my own thoughts, I can hear them all clearly in this clinical and modern room. What I wouldn't give to hear the rain drops from outside, which earlier I was complaining about as I drove here for hours. On the glass table I find magazines about the business. Mills global enterprises, inc. Build in 1988 by the famous Cora mills, the magazine had mostly everything I already knew from the company but I needed some entertainment as I waited in this white lonely room for my interview. Page after page, noticing every detail. The fine, groomed woman on the pictures couldn't make me feel more proud to even be considered for this interview.

I startle with the noise of the front brown door of the room opens, a blonde young woman pleasantly smiles at me as she walks in. She hands me a glass of water "the interview will be ready soon ms. Swan". I smile back at her, I can feel my cheeks turn pink by her presence, her white well fitted suit makes me feel self-conscious about my outfit. Black with white stripes jacket, a simple black buttoned shirt on the bottom and long silky pants. One of the only appropriate clothes I could find for this job. The woman leaves the room leaving an echo from her heels, making me more nervous. "Damn it" how do they not have at least music in this twenty-story office building. My mother was right, I should've been a medical nurse. Much more easier than personal assistant she recalled.

My hair disturbs me, making me pull it back to a ponytail just until the interview. My nerves start to fully invade me, cracking my fingers, bitting my nails. Nasty habits of mine I try to remind myself not to do in front of Ms. Mills. Therefore I stop. Listening back at my thoughts, my life. I go through my life plan again, like it's not memorized in my head. The minute I graduated high school I knew what I wanted. Started college right after and it has served me perfectly. Why I'm I nervous now? I shouldn't be. I got all this under control. I stand firmly, confident waiting patiently for to be called. "Who will interview me?" I wonder, it doesn't matter who it is I know im getting this job.

"Ms. Swan, we are ready for you" the blonde young woman walks in again and welcomes me into another office room. Except this one there was actually people and noise like phones ringing, technology being used well. I observe every detail as I follow the immaculate woman, my nerves resurface as she opens the door to another office room. I walk in looking at every corner of the room. Another floor-to-celing window in the room except this one was decorated with mysterious paintings of horses, apples and a lot of grey and white chairs in a row. No lighting was necessary as the sun gave all the light needed in the room because of the enormous window. Twitching nervously the blonde woman tells me to sit on the chair which is very comfy. In front of me is a long black wooded modern desk that could fit at least six people, two men in black suits and ties sit there quietly ruffling through some papers. I'm guessing it might be my resume. I scowl at the fact they haven't even looked up at me. Do they know im here? "Ms. Emma swan" finally one of them speaks "are you sure you are qualified for this position?" Rather shakily I prepare my answer trying to suppress my nerves "I believe I have the skills to fulfill my assigned duties sir" I smile firmly. I couldn't feel more certain that im getting this internship job.

The two men set the papers straight over the place no one's sitting at in the desk. Makes me wonder if someone else is coming in for the interview. I focus and raise my chin up pretending to be a smart classy girl who knows what she's doing. A door behind me opens, I ignore the sound and keep my vision set. A woman enters the room as I hear her heels clicking and echoing on the sandstone floor. I turn slightly and see her pass next to me. The woman took my breathe away in a instant second as I glanced at her. Flawless and attractive, very attractive. The silky-smooth of her fitted dress matched her black shoulder length hair, she had dark brown eyes that regard me shrewdly. Suddenly I'm dreaming away. My confidence is now shaken from this woman's impact on me. She sits in the middle spot in between the other two men. She draws her attention to the papers in front of her, looks at them carefully. "Breathe swan, breathe" I tell myself. She's so stunning, her make up is perfectly toned to her skin. Not too heavy, not too simple. The lighting of the sun from the window makes her cheekbones noticeable. She looks up at me "good morning Ms. Swan" she speaks and her voice. A mixture of pure sex and angels singing. Oh my god! I loose myself in her voice for a moment "good morning Ms. Mills" I croak, and clear my throat. "Your resume almost seems perfect, tell me about your experience?" She talks as she looks straight into my soul with those intense eyes of hers. Her voice makes me feel an odd exhilarating shiver run through me. I inhale and look back into her eyes "My experience in an actual business as this are not much, my resume lists my experience in my university" that was good, settling. Her eyes draw back to the papers on her desk, she arches her eyebrow. An expression I'm nervous to think about.

"What are your skills that could be good for this industry?" Her red plump lips motions are doing amusing things to me. "I am loyal, dedicated and professional Ms. Mills I assure you I will not let this company down." Liar! I hear my conscious. I did not lie about my dedication and loyalty but I did a little on the professional side. Disturbed by the direction of my thoughts I stay true to my words. She looks at me tries to suppress a smile "very well Ms. Swan, we will contact you further for any more questions" she wets her dry lips with her tongue and it makes me weak for a second. She stands, then everyone stand including myself "Mr. Glass will escort you" she takes my paperwork in her hands and takes one last stare at me, she smiles again. Her smile is unique, maybe even special. Could that have been a good sign? I frown and sigh as I leave the room. I've never wanted a job so badly until now. There was something about her that had me so captivated, her eyes said so much. She had sadness in them that I wanted to know about. Meeting Ms. Mills in person was such a different perspective of what I was hoping she was.

Two days later and I'm still not over my day at Mills corporate. Not to mention the dreamy Ms. Mills who I have not stopped thinking about. I told myself "stick to your priorities" but my head was in the clouds these days. Disappointed I look at my phone again, no calls from the company. I needed this job more than anything, it is the important start of my career. At my current temporary job at home depot, at the register an elderly customers tells me a story of how she lived when she was my age. Reblious I would say, she dated an older man who she married then divorced and there's where she got me lost. She leaves and more customers go, I just can't shake my head off Ms. Mills. God! her overwhelming good looks could not let me concentrate. My self-esteem is low thinking I won't get that job, it's too good for me. Why would they hire me as Ms. Mills personal assistant? I'm pretty sure she has millions killing for that job. Off the clock and I check my phone immediately. One new voice message. Could it be what I'm thinking of. Frightened I click on the voice message.

"Ms. Emma swan, we are calling from Mills global enterprises, inc. To inform you of you're new duties as Ms. Mills personal assistant. Please contact us as soon as possible"

My heart rate goes uncontrollable, I'm smiling from ear to ear. Happiness flooded my every being "I'm officially Ms. Mills personal assistant."

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