Chapter 7: Red velvet cupcakes

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I work on stepping up my game, things have changed since i meet regina. I was never the kinda of girl who would chase a woman down until she'd loved me. It worked better for me the other way around. My love interest weren't much, I never dated guys, I realized I was gay at my fifteen birthday, when my crush asked me out on a date and I said yes. It's not difficult putting the pieces together. I'm the girl who waits to be conquered, not the one who buys sweets and coffee for a moody brunette who's simply gorgeous.

Back to the office, Regina is working hard. I clear my throat as I walk in.
"Fresh coffee and a apple turnover, just for you." She takes the brown bag and cup of coffee, frowns and takes a tiny sip of the coffee. I lie back on the soft feather-filled pillow chair. I take my papers and work quietly. She's so antagonizing, difficult, and confusing. One minute she's accepting my company, then next she's silent, upset. More like angry, she's hasn't touched her apple turnover and barely took a sip of her coffee. How do I even reach to her? Her expressions are as if she locks herself in her own world, storms like thunder with her own thoughts. I know it's difficult to trust someone, but all I want is for her to feel safe, to let that storm in her head go away. Have her cry in my arms about how robin keeps breaking her heart, have her complain about how Katherine is a lazy assistant, I want her to have someone to talk to. She needs to know I care, my mission is to break the silence between us.

Once or twice she runs her fingers through her silky black hair, wondering if It would feel soft to touch her beautiful locks. The thought comes unbidden into my mind. I shake my head. She turns to the bag and takes out the apple turnover. Her soft fingers deftly break a small piece of the turnover, and I watch, fascinated. She takes the small piece into her mouth and starts to chew it slowly, not taking my eyes off her. My face flames looking at her sensual mouth, not liking where my wayward thoughts are headed. She catches my gaze and I blush putting my head down back to the papers. I hear her chuckle softly, I wonder what she's thinking about. She probably thinks I'm a fool, a blonde fool who's staring at her like a weirdo.

I think of an easy question for starters "did you like the turnover?" Breathe swan I whisper inwardly. I am struggling to maintain a straight face, so I gaze down at the papers waiting for my answer. I peek up as i hear her soft, warm voice from my reverie "they're not better than mine" she brags, she has a hint of a smile on her lips, but it's very hard to tell.
"You know how to make apple turnovers?" I asked surprised.
"It's a family recipe, it grew on me ever since I was a little girl."
Interesting topic to go through, I think of something fast to keep the conversation going.
"I know how to bake too" I attempt to smother the ridiculous grin that threatens to split my face in two. She looks up at me, shocked "what exactly do you bake ms. swan?" She's curious, her gaze holds mine. She's so unnerving.
"Cupcakes, red velvet cupcakes actually" I try to sound confident and I think I've succeeded.
"What ingredients do you use?" She's gazing at me quizzically. She's testing me, playing this game with me. I have to keep it going.
"Flour, baking soda, red.. velvet.. flavor," I pause too long between my answer. She chuckles. "Swan, you don't know how to bake" she continues to make me blush with her amused giggle.
"Yes I do" I claim. "I'm not very good at it, but I manage." Regina is watching me intently, taking another piece of the turnover. I really shouldn't look at her mouth. It's unsettling.
"Maybe one day you can give me some tips, help me get better at baking" I shrug shyly.
She frowns and stares down at her papers "maybe one day," that secret smile is back. I flush and blink rapidly, concentrate, swan.

After some papers signed, documents put away. The clock striked midnight, she looked exhausted. Her phone lights up, she glares at it and she's serious now. Sighs upset as she checks her new text message.
"Is something wrong?" I asked. She throws her phone away in the drawer "it's nothing swan, you can go now."
There's it is again, she's hiding her emotions. I listen to my instinct. I grasp her hand, tight. Until I have her full attention "Regina are you sure you're alright?"
I caught her off guard, she's not yelling at me for calling her by her first name. Not even bothered to pretend she's mad at me. My green eyes stay on her brown honey gaze.
"Yes" she replied dryly.
"Did I forget to add on my resume, about my super power?" I say, She frowns as if she doesn't understand.
"I can tell when someone is lying to me, I'm very good at it" I wink. She raises an eyebrow. "You look like you need a break. I'm sure you have some wine around here."

"SwanQueen" Trapped in her charmsWhere stories live. Discover now