Chapter 15: let her go

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   I wake feeling the sunlight hit my face, noise of the curtains and shutters opening. I moan complaining, opening half of my right eye, to see who dares wakes me this morning.
   "What?" I shout.
"Swan, you've been locked up in your bear cave for what?! Three days?"
Ruby yells back at me, standing in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest, and her eyebrow arched in irritation.
  "I like my bear cave." I grab my pillow and place it over my face, stopping the sunlight from bothering me. I might as well pull my sheets over, hoping it will help me not hear ruby attack me.
"Emma, get up. Stop being a child."
She pulls the covers off my face.
   "Don't look at me like that," I murmur.
"You're being ridiculous. You need to wake up, move on and get your shit together, before you rotten in your bear cave."
I pull myself up, and squirm under her intense gaze.
   "I guess you're right."
She stares at me bewildered, and aggrivated.
    "Fine! You're right."

After breakfast, I shower and dress quickly for my busy day of submitting job resumes. The beginning of a new era. Drinking my coffee with my lap top on the dinning table, I stare at my resume. Ruby left thirty minutes ago to her job, and warned me that I'd better have some job news when she gets back, or I'll be cooking all this week. It's only 9:52 am and I have accomplished nothing.
I scowl at the lap top screen. I'm struggling over changing my achievements, and work experience. I now have office work experience, but not sure if I should add it to my resume. Knowing how controlling regina's mother is, she probably would talk shit about me if someone calls for reference. I sigh deeply.
As I'm about to start typing, the doorbell rings.

Zelena stands on the porch, looking immaculate in a stripped black and white dress. I notice her blunt eyes, and cool stare. I've never payed attention to her features, since she was in unpleasant conditions when I've meet her.
  "Emma, may I come in?" She asked, "I believe we need to talk."
I wonder as she waits for me to welcome her. What could she possibly want to talk about? She should know by now it's over between regina and I. Her gaze is serious, it makes me a bit nervous. I nod and welcome her in.

We sit in the dinning table, I look nervously at her. She has the same ruthless expression as regina, I feel a bit overwhelmed by it.
"Can I get you something to drink, zelena?" I ask politely.
"No, thank you. I'll be quick." She says softly.
"Emma, I'm here to speak about my sister. I know what happened between you two, and I'm here to tell you. You're both making a huge mistake." She adds.
Her response knocks me off balance, I was expecting anger from her, but of anything, she sounds worried.
"Why do you say that?" I murmur.

"My sister, she's getting married with a man she doesn't love."
     "Yeah but she wanted it that way, she doesn't want to fight for me." My heart clenches as the regina's hurtful words from the other day come back to my brain.
"You're wrong emma. That night you two argued. She called me, saying how happy and terrified she was for what she was about to do." She explains.
I grow even more confused at her words, I frown listening to her.
"She was going to confront our mother for you. Cancel the wedding, and move to paris with you." She says.
A thrill courses through my body, this doesn't sound right. My scalp prickles and dawning apprehension.
"That is a lie, she never did that."
I argue.
"Yes emma, you're right. You know why? Because you broke her hopes and dreams."
She accused me.
"After you two argued, she came over to your apartment, to  take you away with her to paris, and confront our mother, and she found you." She pauses for a beat.
"Kissing another girl."
Unbearable bitter melancholy hits my heart, I realize I fucked up this time.
"She went back home crying, called me saying, you had already moved on. So she decided to move on herself."
I scowl at her with a deep dread uncurling in my stomach. I have absolutely no words, my heart is caught between my throat and my chest.
Regina saw me kissing lily, no wonder her behavior was odd the next morning at the office.
She was hurt, she was heartbroken by me. The thought is depressing.
Disappointment flows in her eyes. She waits for my response, but I'm still shocked over the news.
"She thought the right thing to do was to let you go, to dissappear from your life, so you wouldn't suffer anymore."

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