Chapter 8: No, I Couldn't Speak...

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"Fuck. Fuck, no, she... She... No... Selena..." I mutter pathetically to myself as I cry in the locker room. "She can't leave me... Please... Selena..." She left. That's it, she just... Left me. After all this time of knowing each other, she has decided she'll avoid me. "Please, Selena, S-... Fuck..." I cry harder as I realize. She has no reason to see me anymore. At all... I cry for a few more minutes, and I hear the first bell ring. Shit, I don't wanna be late for class. I wipe my eyes and pray my eyelids aren't puffy. I head to class and sit down. Mrs. Stevens walks up to me. "Mr. Rio, are you okay? Your eyes are really puffy." I nod.

"I'm fine..." I don't even look up at her.
"Did something happen between you and Ms. Selena?" I look up at her with a confused look in my eyes.
"What makes you think that..?"
"Well, you and Selena are always..." She pauses for a moment. "Always going with each other to classes and she seems to be making fun of you, but it must be playing around because you don't seem to mind... But today, came to class at separate times and both of you have puffy eyes like you just cried..."
Wait a sec. Both of us? Selena and I?
"Wait, Selena looked like she has cried recently? That... Doesn't seem right..."
"I mean, I see you've finished your warmup and so has she, how about you go check to see for yourself if I lied?"

I get up and walk up to Selena. I tap her shoulder and she looks at me with puffy eyes. So, it's true... "S-Selena?" She looks like she's gonna cry before she masks it with a lukewarm gaze.
"Rio, why are you talking to me? Please go back to your seat..."
"W- Wai-" She cuts me off.
"Go... Please." She crescents her brows and gives me a pleading, genuine-looking gaze.
"Okay," I say obedient, lost in her gaze, controlled by the haze it affected me with, "sorry, Selena..." I head back to my seat and only relax once I sit down. Her eyes are intoxicating. Cute. Deadly. Shit, those eyes won't be looking at mine that often anymore...

After all my classes end and I get home, I pretty myself for my date. I change into black cargo pants and a black long-sleeve shirt, layered with a deep red short-sleeve. Hopefully this is good enough... I know Mory likes when I look nice. Selena doesn't- Didn't care... Whatever, stop thinking about her, idiot... I'm about to go on a date, after all. Mory is pulling up into the driveway, it's time for me to go. I walk outside, he looks pretty... I'll have fun on this date, I'm sure, even though I put on her sweater as I leave the house, and my first thought is how it'd be if it were Selena.

"Hey, ready to go?" I nod and sit down on the passenger seat. "Alright." He starts to drive and I feel one of his hands on my thigh. Oh, god. I guess it feels kind of nice... Usually I'd be really reactive, I guess he calms me down... Wait, but the opposite happens when I like someone... Whatever. He squeezes my thigh and I feel obligated to say that I like it or something.
"I-" I couldn't think of anything. And I think he thought I made a noise because he smirked.
"Well, I guess you like this, then." I blushed and nodded. I guess it won't be so bad if I got with him, after all?

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