Chapter 15: What're Ya Talkin' About?

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This bitch is stealing MY boyfriend. I don't know why this rude ass hoe is such- Ugh, just such a fucking pest! I need to learn what makes them to so special, why he favorites her over me. Oh, yeah. If anyone thought that Selena would say something like that, maybe she would. I would never assume my Rio would say something like that though... Yup, I'm Mory, who's turning into a goddamn side chick because of this Selena girl hoing my man. Whatever the fuck reason why, she's starting to get on my damn nerves.

I left the table to go to the bathroom, so I could let Rio cool off. So, why in the hell do I come back to see him sitting next to a different bitch?! On our date, really?! What the fuck?! This bitch needs to pay... I'll find a way. I don't know how, maybe I'll use her fake ass friends to exploit her... Yeah... Just because I sound evil doesn't mean I'm even that bad. All I did was order pineapple juice and get his steak wrong? Who the fuck even cares about that type of shit? Shouldn't Rio have been grateful that I ordered pineapple juice? I was just warranting a good time, I don't know why he seemed so icked.

He was blushing so much when I held his face? What was the problem then? Was she, like, texting him secretly? Or talking to him? She was probably persuading him... Yeah... He probably felt obligated, like he had to go over to her, 'cause there's no way someone like him would leave his date to go to someone like her, who was seating DIAGONAL from where we were sitting. I hate the way she was holding him... It made me boil up with anger. She's such a manipulative little whore, messing around with my Rio while we were ON A DATE.

Rio doesn't know any better. He's awfully naive, and will do whatever someone says, y'know? He's so fucking gullible that it's cute, but also a bit embarrassing. Selena and him have known each other for so long, yes, is that supposed to be an achievement? Doesn't she fucking bully him- Oh. Oh, I fucking got it. She threatened him to stop talking to me because she secretly likes him. Haha. That's why she was being such a clingy little bitch to my Rio, hm? I'm definitely gonna have to blackmail her about this. I'm gonna make sure she can never talk to him ever again by threatening to tell him about her feelings for her!

I sound hella devious, but this is the best for Rio in the long run, to be with me instead of- Ugh, her... Yeah, no. I'm the better option. So, how will I do this? Hm... Well, we have the break for Thanksgiving, and then we go back to school Monday, so then, I'll take her aside after she done being a bother to my Rio. I'll ask her how she thinks about Rio, tell her that I know how she feels, and then tell her my conditions, so that she can never, ever, ever, EVER, EVER talk to Rio again. If she tries to fight back, I won't just tell him, I'll rumor it in the school so that it'll reach him through someone else, and I won't be found guilty of creating the rumor or letting him know... My plan will work. Selena, count your damn days.

(Speaking ooof, Happy Thanksgiving! I'm grateful to my readers, the thumbs I use to write this story, and keyyyboards. What about you?)

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