Part 3 ~ Stay A While

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"Alright Mr. Iero, I think you're able to go home now." The nurse spoke while staring down at her clipboard.

"Thanks, Miss." I took the ice pack down from my head exposing it to the warm air surrounding us. I left the ice pack on the mattress for her to pick up later and shuffled out of her office. I stepped outside back into the freezing air and pulled up my giant hood from my Green Day sweatshirt, covering the horrible bruise. I got into my crappy black Honda, but I was still grateful for it. It was the only thing I really had, besides music of course. I sat in the drivers seat and pulled out my phone before turning the car on. My phone read: "New Contact: Name: Gerard :)  Number: 1("  I stopped typing and reached deep into the pocket of my tight jeans which I could barley fit my hand it. I slipped out the small piece of paper Gerard had given me. I put it to my nose and inhaled his scents. 'What the hell are you doing Frank.' I questioned myself. What the hell WAS I even doing? I entered in his number quickly then immediately sent him a text... I've never been so excited to text someone in my life, considering I was very anti-social. 

'Hey. -Frnk' I sat there for a bit way too eager to get a reply from him. 2 minutes felt like 2 hours.

'Hey Frank, I thought youd never txt me :)' Wait... He was THINKING of me? I wanted to die of excitement like a little 10 year old fangirl over One Direction. 

'Oh so u were thinkin' of me? ;) -Frnk'  I admit the wink face was a little creepy, but I couldn't help myself... even if that was a little gay.

'Haha yea. You wanna come over l8r?'  Holy shit. This cannot be happening.

'Sure, Id love 2. Lemme get home 1st. -Frnk' I gave him my address and drove home quickly so he could pick me up even sooner. I arrived at my house in 5 minutes which was weird, it usually takes me 15 minutes to get home. "Hey Ma I'm home!" I yelled while shutting the front door behind me. Of course she wasn't home. She never is. I sighed sadly, but I was more worried about Gerard. 'Wow you're so gay fra- You know what? Yeah. Maybe I am gay, but I could be bi so you know what? Fuck it. I'm going to do what Jamia said, and be fuckin' proud of myself' I smiled in a bit of victory, even though I was talking to myself the whole time. I brushed my hair a little more forward to hide the horrible bruise. Thank God for my fringe. I spiked it a little more in the back, then I was ready. Unfortunately, I had to wait 10 minutes for Gerard. I flopped down on the giant couch and turned on our shitty small T.V. I insulted everything I owned but I was grateful for it. It could be worse.


30 minutes later


Knock Knock.

I jumped at the sound, considering I was half asleep and half awake. I almost sprinted to the door whipping it open, and smiled like an idiot once I saw who it was.

"Jeez excited much?" Gerard giggled, then walked out of the door leading me towards his small white sports car. 

"Geez nice car. You should see what I drive around in." I slightly blushed while he just laughed, and shook his head.

"I'm sure your car is fine." I shook my head while giving him a surprised look

"No way man," I giggled "it's horrible compared to yours." I gently pulled on the door and slid in barley opening it. 

It was a long ways to Gerard's house. I didn't expect him to live so far away. We didn't say anything to each other. It was uncomfortable, I mean, even though we had just met we could still talk to each other, right? "Alright we're here." he spoke quietly and slowly got out of the car. I sat there admiring his giant house. "You coming?" 

I snapped out of my thoughts and shook my head quickly. "Yeah man, hold on." I quickly undid my seat belt and got out of his precious car carefully, slowly shutting the door.  "You're sure living life at its fullest."

"Really?" He said raising his eyebrows at me. "How so?" He said looking at the ground while walking up to his doorstep

"Well, you have a big house, a nice car..." I trailed off, but he just laughed as if I were crazy.

"Dude, my house isn't nice at all. Here come inside  so you can meet everyone." He smiled. I walked in his comforting house, smelling the delightful food coming from the kitchen which was right next to you when you walked in. "So, this is my brother," A tall and skinny kid with glasses and a beanie was sitting on the couch watching T.V. he seemed cool until she looked at me. We stared at each other, our eyes both huge. My jaw dropped a little and I spoke up.

"M-Mikey?" My mouth was completely dropped, my eyes nearly popping out of my head. "What are you doing here?"

Mikey shot me the same surprised look and he went straight back to his poker face. No surprise. "I live here stupid. I'm Gerard's brother."

"You two know each other?" Gerard asked pointing his finger at the two of us, while raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah," I started off "we're, uh... we're..."

"Friends." Mikey said cracking a smile. I couldn't help but smile back. I wasn't really sure what relationship status we had.. 

"Alright..?" Gerard said awkwardly tilting his head. "Come on Frank." He walked pretty quickly trying to get away from him. We went down a lot of stairs, so I'm guessing he lives in a basement.

"Nice dude!" I looked around his spacious room, admiring the blood red walls with black stripes surrounding us. His black king sized bed sat in the middle of a wall with two nightstands on either side, band posters surrounding it. In a far corner across the room from his bed sat a desk with a giant sketchpad laying on it next to a small desk lamp. I walked over back to his bed and flopped on it. It wasn't a cheap one, it was one of those squishy fancy ones. 

"Well I see you're enjoying my room." He smiled and layed next to me. We lied there staring at the posters on his ceiling. It was nice, until he scooted closer and layed on his side facing me, staring at me...

I turned my head at him and furrowed my eyebrows at him "What?" He smirked and locked his beautiful hazel orbs onto mine. He leaned closer until I could feel him breathing onto him lips. He leaned closer, while I closed my eyes. He snatched the pillow from underneath my head and slammed it against my face while I cringed curling my knees, bringing them to my face. "The hell was that for?" He giggled. 

"Oh just the fact that you started leaning into me!" I leaned back giving him a puzzled expression. He rolled his eyes and changed his position to sit cross-legged a few feet away from me, while I still layed on my side, propping myself up with my elbow. 

I shook my head. "No way dude you were leaning into me!" he laughed and shook his head.

"I beg to differ." He grinned grabbing his calves and rocked back and forth.

"Whatever man, lets just pretend those last 5 minutes never happened." I flopped myself on my back while he nodded.

"What last 5 minutes?" He smirked into the question. I rolled my eyes while he pulled out his buzzing phone after receiving a text. 'Did Gerard just try to kiss me? Or did I just try to kiss him?' I was nervous, trembling like an idiot. Thank god Gerard couldn't see. He was too wrapped up in that phone of his. I wasn't afraid of dating Gerard, I was just worried about Mikey. I hung out with him everyday, and if I were to step into his own shoes and find out that my brother was dating my friend, well, if I were mikey, I'd flip out. I let out a heavy sigh and Gerard's head shot straight up at me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm...I...I'm-" I wanted to cry, but nothing came out. My lipped curled, but my eyes didn't water. My heart was being ripped in half, but I didn't scream. I sucked in my bottom lip to stop it from curling and bit at the newly forming wound on the inside of my poor lip. "I'm fine Gerard." I sat up and carefully got off of the bed. I grabbed my old messenger bag and headed for the stairs.

"Wait Frank!" Gerard dropped his phone and held out an arm almost begging for me to come back. "Please stay. I'm just a bit nervous." 

Eh I'm not too happy with this chapter but it will get better I promise >.> Please rate and comment, It would mean A LOT! Thanks for reading! 

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