Part 20 ~ Ain't this Uniform so Flattering?

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hey guys! Oh my gosh it has been forever. Ive been kinda busy and Im so sorry for such a long wait. Thanks so much for 14.4k reads it means A LOT ohmygod ;-;  anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter (it is being written on my phone again whoops) I feel like a little shit for not updating and thanks for all the awesome comments i cry


I blinked my right eye open looking around the room cautiously. 'What time is it?' I thought to my self as one eye slowly glanced at my alarm clock which was turned away from me because, damn that thing was bright. I reached out my and struggled to grab the oversized alarm clock. When I finally did manage to get a hold of it I quickly turned it around and slid it across my nightstand so it was closer to my face. I flickered my other eye open and read the glaring block letters that appeared on the screen: '9:24' Oh fuck. My new school started at 7:55, why the hell did it not wake me up? I sprung out of bed and rushed to slam open my curtains to let some light in then ran out of my room and across the hallway to the bathroom but, the door was already closed.

"Fuck," I muttered and starting pounding on the door "Who's in there?" I yelled to the unanamous (shhh spelling i know) person behind the door. I pressed my ear up to the cold wooden door and tried my hardest to listen to a reply, but there was none. I took my ear away from the door and stared at it for a minute thinking if I should just barge in or not. Fuck it, I reached for the doornob and squeezed my eyes shut praying that I wouldn't have to see anyone naked anytime soon, and turned to face the mirror and opened my eyes to see only myself. 'Weird... Who would leave the light on and shut the door?' I shrugged the thought off and began to get ready.


I pulled my car up in front of the school and leaned up against the door, not wanting to go outside, into the office, then into my new classes with people I've never even met before. I took a deep breath and slowly opened my car door which beeped back at me, and took one tiny step outside. 'Well, this is it' I shut the car door and began walking to small building which I assue was the office. I looked around the building which smelled strongly of coffee and the lady at the front desk just glared at me and told me to sit "over there" and pointed at some chairs. Well this certainly brings back memories with Jamia. Fuck..

Moments later, the principal came out of his office with a tall boy with sandy short hair, a lip piercing, dressed in uniform. "Ah," the principal sighed "You must be Frank Iero! I am principal Fredrickson and I am pleased that you chose to attend my school!" He smiled down at me, with the blonde boy hiding behind his back. Was he hiding from me? I tried to lean forward to see the face of the boy, but it was no use. All I could see is his slight beard and his piercing shining on his lip.

"Oh, umm, yes.." I replied looking up at him just now realizing that he had been waiting for a response while I was paranoid about some guy.

"Well, welcome to our school! I assume you have already recieved your schedule, but have not been introduced to our vast campus." He said taking a deep breath through his nose, being rather proud of the school as if he built it on his own. "This is Robert Bryar, he will be assisting you today, helping you get to your new classes and sitting next to you." He said while stepping to the side a step to reveal Bob's face. I let out a sigh of relief. Out of all the people in this soon to be fucked up school, I was paired with someone I knew. Though I never knew Bob went to this school, so I didn't know what to expect. Bob grinned at me, his smile stretching from ear to ear, rather pleased to see me. Of course I grinned back stupidly and rose to my feet. "Well," Mr Fredrickson said, looking back and forth between us while we just grinned at each other like idiots. "I will leave you two to it then! Enjoy the school!" Fredrickson turned his back and began walking back into his office, quickly shutting the door behind him. The smile from my face slowly fell as I stared at the metal door that lead to his office. Something didn't seem right about him...

"Frank!" Bob exclaimed still grinning "It's so nice to see ya!" I just smiled back and began to walk ou the office door with him. "So what class do ya have for first period?" He asked me as soon as we stepped out of the warm office that smelled strongly of mothballs and coffee and into the cold dark hallways.

I quickly pulled out the crumpled piece of paper, also known as my schedule and read the top line. "Fuck," I sighed "Algebra." I folded up the piece of paper and shoved it back into my oversized uniform pants. "Do you just want to cut?" I asked, turning my head to Bob who was casually staring down the hallway.

"I dunno Frankie, I don' think its good to cut your first day of school." He had a point, but wasn't he technically cutting class because he was just leading me to classes and sitting next to me to get all organized?



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