Part 7 ~ The Girlfriend(s)?

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"Why is it such a big deal to you?" He leaned over me, crossing his arms. Well this sucks. 

"I don't know, I-I just want to k-know!" I stuttered, getting frustrated. Nothing good was happening today. '1. I almost got 'raped' by Gerard. 2. I had to go places. 3. He has a girlfriend which proves he's straight and I will have no chances with him for the rest of my life and I'll just ending up dying alone so why do I even hang out with him anymore it's worthless I mean really.' I thought to myself, doing maybe the biggest run-on ever. What can I say? When I'm stressed I do run-ons. 

"Wow. Just put on your clothes. It's awkward having a naked Frank just laying across my bedroom floor.." He trailed off and walked to his bed, still crossing his arms angrily.

"I don't have any." I giggled, laying on his dirty floor, with my arms at my sides. Gerard is so different from when I first met him. I guess I've changed a bit too.  I wish I could just go back before I fucking even met Gerard. Being the 'Tough Frank' just hitting on girls, making sure no one got in my way. I wouldn't be in all this boy-crush drama. God, I was like an 8 year old girl, getting her first crush ever. It's horrible. 

Gerard turned his head over his shoulder, and looked at me rolling his eyes. "Fine." He slowly walked over to his dresser ripping open one of the drawers and pulling out grey boxers. "Here." Gerard spoke fiercely, chucking them at my face. 

I slowly pulled them off of my face, disgusted at what he had done. "Feisty." I smirked turning my head at him, right before skinny jeans and a 'Black Flags' slapped me right in the face.

"Just get dressed." he turned around fixing his wardrobe, folding things, and putting them back in their place.

I sighed, and slowly got up, rubbing the tattoo of a scorpion on my neck, and walked back into the small bathroom Gerard had shoved me in. I quickly slipped on the baggy shirt Gerard had given me, as well as the boxers. Well this is awkward. You don't just SHARE underwear with someone you just met. Who knows what he did in these. I shivered at that thought. 'Why must I be so perverteded' I shrugged it off and squeezed on the tight jeans. 'Oh my- -GOD' I thought while struggling to get them passed my hips. 'Why skinny jeans? Why can't I just be a normal guy and wear baggy ones?' I sighed looking at my awkward legs, and slowly opened the bathroom door. "Uh, Gerard?" I asked sheepishly.

"What?" He snapped his head at me, his long raven hair swinging in all directions, like some shampoo commercial. 

"Do you have any," I gulped "bigger jeans?" He started at me for about 5 seconds and then burst out laughing. "What!?" I yelled, getting furious. Why the fuck was he acting so weird?

 "No!" He shook his head. I growled and walked over to his bed, flopping down on it. 

"So..." I started. "Who's your girlfriend..?" I spoke softly. I've waited so long for this.

"Oh great. You and the girlfriend thing." He rolled his eyes. Oh yeah. He was definitely on his 'man-period' 

"I don't see the big deal Gerard. I don't know why you're getting mad at me over it." I said calmy, staring at the posters on his ceiling, avoiding eye-contact.

"WELL I DON'T SEE WHY YOU CARE SO MUCH!" He screamed and stormed out of his room, climbing the stairs out of the basement. I shot up confused, angry, and worried. Fucking Gerard. I looked around and saw his phone sitting on top of his wardrobe, calling my name. 'I shouldn't look through it. I've made him mad already.' I sighed. I wanted to look through it so badly. But there was a good side to this 'Maybe I could look through his texts and see who it is?' I smirked. I shouldn't, but I just HAD to. I got up and slowly made my way to his abandoned phone, unlocking it. Well, here goes nothing. 

'Hey girl ;) -G xoxo' I read the first text, rolling my eyes.

'Hay, whr u @? - E.C. xoxo ;)' Are you kidding me? I wouldn't talk like this to anyone, even if I was in a relationship with them or not. 

'Jus chillin. How bou u? :) -G xoxo'  Okay. Enough of this stupid fluff. I was going to puke. I went to his contacts and clicked on the number that matched who he was talking to. It matched: 'Eliza Cuts' Oh great. Eliza Cuts. The biggest whore in school. I rolled my eyes and continued to read along his contacts. 'Tiffini Green' My Ex? The preppy rich girl? What was she doing on here? I tapped on her name and began reading the texts. 

'Hey bby how are you? I love u!' Wait. I love you? As a friend? This was getting damn intense

'Hey babe, just sittin @ home :) I love you too Woah. WOAH. WOAH. I started sweating. Oh god. Gerard was dating 2 girls. I went back and read more girls names reading through them.

'Whisper Jones: Hey, last nights date was amazing. I love you and can't wait to see you again!'

'Summer Miller: Hey Gerard, can u com ova 2 mai hous 2nite?
'Ally Thomason: GERARD THANK YOU 4 ACCEPTING 2 B MY BF. OMG I LOVE YOU' I stopped. I didn't want to go on. This was bullshit. He had more than 5 girlfriends. I was mad. I threw his phone at the wall. Fuck it. He wasn't the kind Gerard I fucking knew. He was some man-whore. I see why he didn't want to fucking tell me. I grabbed my stuff and stormed out of his house slamming the front door. I can't fucking believe this.


I woke up groggy as ever. My back aching, as if I slept on the top of a mountain or something. I leaned up rubbing my eyes, revealing a children's park. What? I looked around a few times, and then it all came back to me. I sighed and slid down the rest of the slide where I had been sleeping. My parents didn't want me when I was 'overreacting' whatever. I could take care of myself. I don't need anyone. I moved my arms around in circles stretching my back and yawned. I quickly stood up and slung my messenger bag over my head and heard some sort of buzzing noise. Oh shit. I ran underneath the slide where I couldn't be seen. Was it a cop?

Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz. 

I felt my legs tingling. My phone. Great.

"10 missed calls, 23 new messages" it read. Of course, they were ALL from Gerard. What did the whore want now? I thought I broke his fucking phone.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. GERARD NOOOOO. Okay some-what short chap. Updating soon. Really busy. Im sowee ;-; Dedicated to THATGIRL, because she's amazing and she really helped me get views on this story. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.)

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