Part 18 ~ I (heart) Swearing

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Filler I suppose?




I sat in class, impatiently tapping my pencil against the school’s History book. “Mr. Iero?” I heard a voice snarl above me. “Are you taking notes or just diddly-daddling?”

I slowly raised my head to face Mrs. Smith who was towering down above me and giving me the ‘evil eye’. I hated Mrs. Smith. Everything you did in her class had to be one-hundred percent perfect, or else she’ll turn into a pterodactyl and rip off your head or something like stupid like that. I immediately stopped tapping my pencil and shrugged at her, pursing my lips tightly together. “Fucking around I guess-“ I slapped a hand over my lips quickly, and widened my eyes. “That slipped out, I swear.” I quickly added when I lifted my hand off of my mouth for a second.

Of course, that just made her angrier than she was before. ‘Nice one, Iero.’ Mrs. Smith furrowed her eyebrows, and her upper lip twitched a bit. These weren’t good signs, and I’ve really done it this time. “Mr. Iero, that type of foul language is not allowed in my class, and therefore, there will be a penalty for it.” Mrs. Smith absolutely hates swearing. You couldn’t even say ‘God’ in her class without having her getting all fired up. I bet if she knew I was gay, she’d probably give a big long speech about going to Hell, and a one-hundred year detention. It’s ironic, because I’m transferring to a Catholic school tomorrow. How the hell am I supposed to survive there, if I can barely survive here? “Excuse me, Franklin,” Mrs. Smith snapped me out of my thoughts, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. “Head to the principle’s office immediately, and meet me after school for your punishment.”

Fuck. Everyone’s staring at me. ‘Act normal, act normal…’ I simply nodded my head, and stood up, grabbing my backpack along with me to head to the office. I slung my backpack on my shoulder and rushed out the door. ‘Fuck, Mom is gonna kill me.’ My anxiety was starting to kick in. I could already feel the warmth on the bridge of my nose, and creeping up to my face from my neck. I finally made it to the school’s office, and walked up to the front desk. “Um,” I cleared my throat, and the office lady glared up at me. “Mrs. Smith sent me?”

“Go sit on the bench over there.” She growled, not taking her eyes off of me. Of course I did as she said to avoid getting into anymore trouble. I flopped down on the very uncomfortable wooden bench, and just waited. My lunch period is next. Guess I won’t be eating today. Fuck.

I pulled out my phone and started to text Gerard: “The eagle has landed… In the principal’s office.” I quickly hit send and stuffed the phone back into the pocket of my hoodie.

Of course, within a few seconds later Gerard had texted back, saying “Nice. What happened? Was the emoness just waaayyy too much to handle??” Then: “P.S. if anything you aren’t an eagle.”


I made a weird face, scrunching up my nose and furrowing my eyebrows, and quickly typed in: “No that’s not what fucking happened. Shouldn’t you be in class now, doing your stupid art or whatever?”

“Shouldn’t you be getting yelled at right now?”

Sonuva- “Pipe down, Way. You’re acting all fuckin weird. What got into ya?”

“You will… eventually ;)”
And with that I snapped my phone shut. Too far… I just-

“Hey!” The woman at the desk called, snapping me out of my disgusted trance. “No texting. You’re in serious business.” I rolled my eyes. ‘Oh shit such serious business I dropped the F-Bomb in class oh god I should be put to death oh noooo’ I thought to myself. Fuck this. Fuck this office, fuck that desk, fuck that lady, fuck curse words, fuck roger, fuck Gerard, fuck the stupid phone, fuck-

“Hi, I was called up to the office?” I heard a soft voice call out. I looked up from my pouting position, and Jamia was leaning over the desk talking to the bitchy office woman.



The woman growled a bit before shaking her head in disappointment. “Kids these days…” She muttered under her breath. “Go sit over there.” She pointed at me, narrowing her eyes. Such an aggressive woman… “You’re in serious trouble young lady.”

I darted my eyes towards my hands in my lap, and started to pick at my fingernails to avoid any eye contact. Jamia slowly made her way over to the small bench, and sat down next to me… a little too close. “Hey,” She whispered, and elbowed me in the side. I looked up from my hands and turned my head towards her.

“What?” I whispered back.

She smirked and started talking in a strange accent “What yo in fo, mah brotha?” Jamia leaned back against the wall and crossed her arms, giving me a smug look.

“What…” I shook my head before going on “What the hell are you doing?” I whispered a bit too loudly.

Jamia uncrossed her arms and sat up again. “I dunno,” She shrugged and stared at the desk “You didn’t say hi to me.”

‘Are you kidding me?’ I screamed in my head. Maybe this is one of the reasons I’m not too attracted to girls anymore. “Um, okay, hi then.” I raised an eyebrow waiting for a response.

She just huffed and turned her head. “Whatever.”

What. I narrowed my eyes at the back of her head “What did I do?” I whisper-yelled.

She slowly turned her head and beamed at me “I’m kidding. What crawled up your ass this morning?”

I huffed “Gerard did.” I crossed my arms and looked at my shoe laces.

There was no response for a minute or two, so I looked back up to Jamia, and she was fucking gaping at me. I gave her a confused look, and she started to slowly close her mouth, and blinked blankly at me. “Uh, I mean that’s great! I’m glad it worked out for you g-“

I shook my head frantically “No, no, no, no. That is NOT what I meant at all, oh my god,” I looked out of the corner of my eye and Jamia had gone bright red. It didn’t matter, because I think I did as well.

“Oh…” She cleared her voice and stared at the floor, and I copied.

An awkward silence passed and she started speaking up again “So you two aren’t together?” She spoke without looking up from the floor

I shook my head. “No, we are.”



Another awkward silence came above us and Jamia started cracking up. I guess I started laughing as hard as she had, because soon enough the office lady told us to shut up. We did, until the woman told me to get up, “Frank, someone is hear to pick you up.” My head shot up, and I grabbed my backpack. Thought I was excited to leave, I could just feel the sadness radiating off of Jamia like the sun.

I turned, knowing this is the last time I’d probably see her. “I’ll see you later.” I forced a fake smile onto my lips.

“Aww Frank, don’t leave. The monsters will get me.” We both exchanged smiles and I headed out the door.

Thank the lord I left that stupid office. I was being held captive, and I didn’t have to talk with the principal. I walked to the parking lot, only to meet a very angered Roger. Oh joy..

Short, sorry. I'll update sooner this time I promise. I was thinking about changing the title and cover to something else. I don't know what thought. What do you think??

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