Part 10 ~ Stop Spooning Me

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Oh Lowrd :3 Last chapter was kinda weird and I read it over this morning and I just kinda sat there like: Wtf. But I was tired last night, and I promised, and if I broke it I'd be feeling all guilty, so... Here's to make up for that. I'd also like to complain that Wattpad does NOT want to update my chapters, so that's why it took me so long, before I actually noticed that Chap 9 wasn't there. t(._.t) Wattpad hates me. But just take a moment to appreciate the Chapter title xD

Gerard grunted while 'attempting' to pick up my duffel bag "Jesus did you stuff a dead body in here? Ughh." He threw my stuff onto the concrete with a loud thud. Gerard leaned onto the roof of the car, with his elbow desperately gasping for air, as if he just ran a mile or some shit.

"Wow just give me the bag you wimp." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Do you even lift?" I giggled, and threw my duffel bag over my shoulder.

"Frank, don't even- no. Just no, never say that again." Gerard sighed and grabbed my dull messenger bag. 'Don't touch thaaaaaat' I growled at him..... in my head. We began walking to the porch, until Gerard just 'decided' to stop near the lawn. "ooh what's this?" I swear I heard him smile into the question. I looked back to see Gerard pulling my notebook out of my messenger bag. Nope. Nope. He can never see that. 

"DON'T TOUCH THAAAAAAAT" I yelled while tackling him onto the grass, making my beloved notebook fly through the air, landing in a 'various' place. I practically laid on top of him, making our faces way too close to each other. He stared at me looking a bit shocked. I scrambled off of him, almost stepping on his poor little face and ran behind the house, desperately searching for my notebook. Of course, Gerard chased after me, with a panicky look on his face. I scanned his little garden area, and snapped my head towards him when he finally caught up to me. "Where did you throw it?!" I yelled, scaring the poor guy a bit. 

"I didn't throw it! You knocked it out of my hand!" Gerard raised his arms in a sort of 'come at me bro' kind of way. I growled at him a bit, and stomped past him. "Frank!" He called after me,

"Now what." I snarled, crossing my arms, not daring to look at him. 

"Come on it's late, and we cant be snooping around outside. Let's just wait till tomorrow." The fuck? Was he crazy? I shook my head at him, and furrowed my eyebrows.

"No way, you obviously don't know what's in that notebook." I looked him straight in the eye, trying to intimidate him.. which wasn't working of course. Dammit. 

Gerard rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms, towering over me. Damn my shortness. "Well it's either your life or your stupid notebook." 

"It's not stupid!" I shouted in defense, clamping my hands into fists.

"Well I don't want to lose you again. Come on Mr. Grumpy Pants." Gerard scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed and started hitting his back and kicking my feet, but he didn't even flinch... 'What did he mean by again?' 

"Let me down Gerard!" I screamed, kicking him as we walked into the house, so his whole family can see. Great. Everyone in the room stared at us, and he set down my messenger bag, still holding me. Of course I couldn't see anything but the back of him, or the floor, but it was silent. The only thing you could hear, is just Mikey's cartoons coming from the T.V. I stopped kicking Gerard, and peered over his shoulder, to his the whole family staring at us. Gerard finally put me down, and I immediately spun around, to reveal the shocked family just staring at me. "I- I'm going to get my bag Gerard.." I started walking out the door until Gerard put his arm in front of my chest, stopping me. I furrowed my eyebrows and gave him a look that sort of said: 'Are you sure you want to go there.' 

"No. You stay here, and I'll get your bag. Just go to the basement." Gerard demanded. I turned around to see them all staring at me... again 

"Um.... I'm gonna go..." I walked away, feeling their stares digging into the back of my head, as I walked into the hallway 'Jesus.' Well I guess you could really just blame it on my kicking and screaming when we first walked into the house... 


"Alright, here's your bag. Uff." Gerard spoke while throwing my huge bag on the bed. 

"Please it's not that heavy Gerard. Plus my whole room is in there, so..." I trailed off, digging through my duffel bag, searching for pajamas. "So... what's the deal with your family?" I said while staring down at my bag. 

"What you mean 'what's the deal with my family'?" He mocked me using his hand as a mouth or something.

"I don't know, they kinda stared us down when we walked in." He opened his mouth for a second before I beat him to it. "Never mind. I think I know the answer to that." I quickly took off my pants and slipped into my plaid pajama pants. I laid down in Gerard's bed, staring at the posters on the ceiling. Gerard flopped onto his bed and turned off the light. "Alright goodnight."


- TIME LAPSE: 3 A.M. - 

Well this morning I woke up due to some soft snoring in my ear.. I snapped my eyes open and felt someone very. very. very. close. I sat up, and looked over my shoulder to see Gerard SPOONING ME. NO. "Gerard!" I whispered harshly causing him to jump. 

"What?!" He whispered irritated, rubbing half of his face.

"Stop spooning me." 

He raised an eyebrow at me "I wasn't!"

"Then why is your dick right on my ass?" I smirked causing him to look down at the position we were in. 

Gerard scooted away to his side of the bed and slammed a pillow in between us. "Fine just don't cross this pillow. A-and, I'm sorry. Mikey usually cuddles with me, when he gets a nightmare, so he sleeps in my bed." He looked at the pillow for a second and snapped his head up at me. "When we were younger! Not these days." He blushed "That'd be creepy..." 

I giggled and laid back down. "Alright, now go to sleep." I sighed and gently closed my eyes. "Thanks for letting me stay Gerard."

He smiled into his reply "No problem, Frankie" Gerard whispered sweetly to me. 'Did he just call me Frankie?' I thought for a moment, and randomly blacked out. 


So, that was some-what sexual.... hehehehee..... and what Frank's bag looks like (just imagine some pins on there)

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