Part 11 ~ The Meaning of a Kiss

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IHaha sorry if there was a little Waycest in the last chapter. hahaha no. I admit I have read an Waycest, BUT!!!! It was about how wrong it is, and Gerard gets sent to a school where they brainwash him to be afraid of Mikey and blah blah blah. It was a good waycest so idgaf. Anyways I am planning to end this little thingy soon. I will be writing TWO sequels. :D yeah two. maybe 3 depending how it goes but :3 I hope this fan fic will go up to about 30 chapters but idek. Okay enjoy. 

"Swallow it." Gerard demanded. 'Okay ew. There's no way Gerard is going to make me swallow all of his- ok ew. It's... so bitter.'  I looked up at him from my kneeling position, and furrowed my eyebrows. 

"No. It looks disgusting." I shook my head and backed away from him. 

"What? It's not disgusting!" Gerard protested and crossed him arms. I growled at him a bit and looked at my knees, which were now pulled close to my chest. He poured in his 'special' milky-white substance, and shoved it back at me. 

"What the fuck did you just add." 


[A/N: ahahaa did I get you at the beginning ahaha no. ya pervs. ahahah *wipes away tear* oh god I crack myself up.] 

"Ehhh are you sure?" I asked looking down curiously at the drink in my hands. He threw his arms down on the couch and nodded furiously. I shrugged and took a small sip of the drink. "It's actually.." I smacked my lips a few times, tasting the drink sent from the gods. 

"Well?" He raised both eyebrows, eager to hear my response. How could someone get so excited over a drink.

"It's pretty good." I smiled sweetly at him, and he walked over to sit next to me. He flopped on the couch with a sigh, and threw his arm behind me. Not on me... but behind me. 

"So..." Gerard started "do you want to do anything today?" He changed his view from the T.V. to me. I just kept sipping my coffee and shrugged. 

"I felt like I haven't been to school in forever." I mumbled with my lips against the edge of the mug. Gerard threw his head back and laughed.

"Kinda because you haven't." I shrugged, and put my coffee mug, aside to let it cool down. 'Oh god should I ask...? I shouldn't. But I really should. ughhhh.' I shifted in my seat a bit, noticing how Gerard was getting closer 'It meant nothing. Yeah it meant nothing. Maybe I was drunk.' I lied. I didn't even drink anything that night. Hell, I didn't even drink alcohol. "Uhhh Gerard?" I spoke shakily. Oh anxiety. How I just hate you. Gerard looked at me raising an eyebrow "You- you know that time we kissed? Or- I- yeah." I quietly chewed on my nails, desperately waiting for his response.

"Uhh yeah- I- yeah." He took his arm that was behind me and placed it in the lap. Now we were both nervous. I opened my mouth to ask the most embarrassing question I've ever asked, and then he cut me off. Wow. Thanks. "Wait are you gay?" I ignored him, not really wanting to ask that... cause I really didn't know the answer.

"Well did the kiss mean anything?" His eyes widened a little and he looked at the T.V. that was currently off. "Like, um- -this is kinda hard to explain..." I groaned. Gerard shrugged, still staring at the t.v. 

"I don't know. Do you want it to mean something?" I furrowed my eyebrows angrily at the side of the head. What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

"What do you mean 'do you want it to mean something.' You either like me or you don't." Fuuuuuuuck. I feel like a 10 year old girl again. Fucking crushes and shit. Gerard snapped his head at me and furrowed his eyebrows back at me. Oh yay. Angry glare/stare contest. 

"Well I don't know it's gonna be pretty fucking embarrassing if you don't like me back." Gerard started talking a little louder. Oh great. Now we're gonna be screaming at each other like an angry couple. 

"Well I don't know," I mocked him "It's gonna be pretty fucking embaressing if you're dating a thousand girls, and you're gay? And in a fucking relationship with me?" I pointed at my self and stood up. 

Gerard stood up with me as well. "Well I'm fucking sorry, I'm not the one who started kissing me in the fucking first place!" WHAT. WHATTT. 

I stomped my foot on the ground. I wanted to punch the cunt so fucking bad. (excuse my french) "WHAT!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, probably waking the whole house up. "YOU'RE THE FUCKING ONE WHO KISSED ME FIRST." Gerard moved his head back a little confused, and then screamed at me.

"THEN WHY DID YOU KISS ME AGAIN!" I calmed down. That was a pretty good damn question. Mikey peeked his head out of his door and stared at us. 

"Um.. ar-e you g-guys alright." Gerard looked over his shoulder and sighed. 

"Were fine. Go back to bed." I growled. Mikey closed his door and I looked back at Gerard. "Im sorry." I sighed. 

"Does this mean we're together orr...." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"We just got done with a fight and- yeah okay." 

"Wait are you serious?"

"No." I sighed and stared at the ground "I don't know what we are." 



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