Part 13 ~ Stalkers

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I have MAJOR WRITERS BLCOK RIGHT NOW WHY IS IT CORRECTING EVERYTHING IM GONNA WHY ISNT IT BOLDING WTF I DON’T UNDERSTAND IS IT ALREADY BOLDED OR… oh I got it. I’m back lads, after 3 weeks, and …. Sorry about that. AnyWay, you should really check out my new fic After Twelve Years, cause it’s gonna be really sick yo.  Ugh my computer is being a butt, and I nearly deleted everything I had already written and ohmygee. This thing is gonna scream at me for having ‘incorrect grammar’ because gonna, ohmygee, fic, and yo, aren’t words. WHYy is this a re-run of mutant ninja turtles like ive watched this 10000 times are you kidding me ugh. I want a turtle now. AnyWays, back on topic. I was thinking I should get a signature like xoreagan but my name is pretty lame so, I think I should just go with my initials or something like that. Oh dear god, I am such a loser. I am very happy to be writing again, and prepare yo asses for some drama.


I need to stop talking like that, last time I checked I was not raised in the ghetto. My mom was though- Ugh forget it.




  “So,” Ray began “Tell me about yourself, Frankie.” We both walked down the street, on our way to the brand new Starbucks, as Ray promised.

  I shrugged shyly, keeping my head down, staring at the cold concrete. “Eh,” I cleared my voice, and tucked in my collar, then shoved my hand back in my pocket. “There’s not much to tell.”

  Afro Man laughed light heartedly, and simply shook his head, making his hair fly everywhere. In my case, that was completely unnecessary. “C’mon, there’s gotta be something you can share with me. For example, I hate swimming. It’s horrible.” He shivered, shaking his hair around AGAIN.

  “Oh… Um, I’m afraid of spiders..? Does that count?” Ray nodded in reply. “a-and, I was kicked out of my mother’s house.”

  Ray quickly snapped his head towards me, causing me to look up as well. “Really?” I nodded. “That’s horrible, I’m so sorry, Fra-“

  I waved him off and shook my head. “It’s fine man. Don’t worry about it.” We exchanged smiles, quickly and entered Starbucks.

  “So, whaddya want?” He reached into his pocket, quickly digging around for his wallet.

  “Oh,” I held my hand out in front of him “no worries, I’ll pay for my own drink.”

  “Mmm,” Ray hummed “That’s going to be pretty hard to do if I have your wallet.” I sighed and turned my head away from him so I could roll my eyes. I hate when people are all nice and shit. Just puts me in a damn bad mood.



  “Fine.” I sighed, pouting like a little 4 year old, crossing my arms. I quickly realized who I was with and the people surrounding me, and with that, I cleaned up my bitchy attitude. Honestly I can’t help it. Probably get it from my mother. “Do you know what’s good?”

  A deep growl-like voice came from behind me, nearly scaring me right out of my skin. “Try the mocha.” It said. I froze right where I was, staring straight ahead of me. ‘please don’t kill me, please don’t kill me…’ I silently screamed in my head. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat, and nodded. The stranger slowly walked away, and placed himself on the couch, sipping his coffee. He was intimidating, and strangely familiar? I walked up to the cashier, and quietly asked for a mocha, and ray’s order. Why me. I walked back to the table, trying to ignore the dreadful stare the stranger was giving me, and sat down with a sigh. I pulled out my phone, trying to keep myself from looking nervous, and staring at the walls, as if I had nothing to do. Unfortunately, all too soon, my coffee was ready. “Seems as if you’re too wrapped up in that phone of yours.” The dark voice was back, and I immediately froze. The man set down the coffee I had ordered and walked back to his seat. My heart was literally pounding out of my chest at this point. I took a quick glance at the stranger to only find him with a small book in his hands. He wasn’t reading it, but he was surely glaring at me. Ray finally wobbled back to our table with his coffee, and sat down with a sigh.

  At this point, the stranger and I were both having a ‘glare to the death’ with each other. ‘God that guy is a creep.’ I thought to myself. Ray shortly invaded my thoughts with his stupid nosey self. “Who’s that?” Ray asked loud enough for the stalker to hear. ‘You idiot, Ray!’ I cleared my voice and turned towards him.

“Uh, I’m not actually sure…” I looked down at my coffee, which had turned lukewarm ‘Oh god what if he poisoned it? How did he even get this to me, he doesn’t know my name?!’ Well this isn’t good… “Uh, Ray we should probably go back to the house…”

“We just got here thou-“

“I know, Ray, please-“

“Who’s that guy who keeps watching you?!” He spoke aggressively, but quietly. Thank God.

“I told you,” I whined. “I don’t know!”

Ray just rolled his eyes and smiled. Creep. “He kinda looks like you, y’know.

Oh bullshit. I rolled my eyes dramatically at him. He’s just being ridiculous now. “That’s stupid. I don’t think someone like three times my age would look like me.”

“Well,” He sighed dragging the ‘L’ “I heard there are seven people in the world that look like you…” he trailed off

“Yeah!” I snapped “That are supposed to be close to my damn age, Ray!” I growled. He lowered his head, and just stared at his coffee. ‘Well done, Frank. You always fucking do this. You always fuck up all of your friendships.’ I sighed. “Sorry man, I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I just get kinda angry easily…” I sighed and looked him in the eyes.

(a/n: someones car alarm is going off and seriously everything in the universe right now is trying to distract me like this stupid commercial, are you kidding me no one wants a freaking neck basket what kind of invention is that, and oh my god the HUB has way too many commercials, can I just please watch my ninja turtles and aqua bats, and Addams family in peace, dear god what have I done to deserve this.

You haven’t updated for three weeks.




“Whatever, it’s fine man.” Ray flapped his hand at me and shook his head “Lets just get out of here, okay?” We slowly got out of our seats, and let the small table, exiting the new shop. I could still feel those eyes staring at me. God what a freak.


oh my god my computer is slow. fialry short chapter goodbite. ugh CSNT EVEN SPELL ITS SOW SLOW DEAR GODDDDD

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