Part 19 ~ Uniforms

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Hey guys I found this awesome little word doc thingy for my phone so I can write stuff when I dont have my computer, and plus the word doc on wattpad sucks (no offense wattpad ily) anyways I hope you guys had a rad halloween and a thankful thanksgiving (ohmanthatwascheesy). Yeah but sorry about not updating I got caught up in homework, walking dead, feels, and I sorta lost track of myself y'know? So the reason I'm writing this on my phone is because I was gonna curl up in bed and start typing away, but windows was like 'yo im gonna update' so that took like half an hour and then as soon as I'm done my mom was like 'go to bed.' And now I'm just kinda pissed off, because my body is tired but I'm not and ajdriekdjowcn. I'm rambiling. Enjoyeee


I cleared my throat awkwardly and stared at the ground ahead at me, dreading to hear what Roger wanted to say. I could feel him sharp glare staring at the top of my head, and Jesus Christ I didn't know what to do next. I stood awkwardly next to the passenger side of the car while Roger stood on the opposite, crossing his arms, and just staring.. and judging. "Get in the car." He growled

"What?" My head shot up from the ground to look at him.

"Did I fucking studder?" I quickly shook my head "Then get. In. The. Car." He growled again

That was all it took for me to quickly open the car door and jump inside. God he's doing that thing again. That thing he did when he started stalking me in Starbucks, with the growling and huffing, and the glares... it's freaky. I cleared my throat again to break the silence, but I think that just made things worse.

"I can't believe this, Frank." He sighed as he got into the driver's seat. "What would your father think?"

I frowned "Well he's not here right now." I snapped. He doesn't get to just waltz into my personal life and talk about my dad like that.

"Fine, well," he took a deep breath and glanced out the window with nervous eyes "I think he'd be very upset with you." That last sentence seemed to be filled with pride... or confidence?

I furrowed my eyebrows and snapped my head towards Roger "Yeah? How would you know that? You know nothing about him! You can't just talk about him like that!" I said in a fierce tone. What a bitch.

Roger let out a deep sigh and rubbed his temples. "You know what Frank, let's just go home to let you cool off for a bit, and then we'll go get your uniform, alright?"

"I don't care."

"Good." He huffed out calmly, and started driving home.

- time lapse -

As soon as we  got home I marched straight up to my room. Fuck this. Fuck my life, Fuck Roger, fuck my mother, fuck stupid whatserface, fuck office lady, fuck everyone. I want to just magically turn 18 right now and move out of this stupid fucking house. This is a horrible start to a new fucking year. Two months in and I already hate everything. This is worse than the time that I got hives and a really high fucking temperature jusr because I transfered schools when I was ten, all thanks to this shitty body of mine, and its shitty immune system. Fuck.

I seemed to cool down after that rant, and I sat down on my bed. 'I have issues.'  I reminded myself. I didn't really know why I had so many issues. Not long ago, I liked, girls and I was calm, everything was going OK. Now I suddenly am dating Gerard and have this crush on Leonardo DiCaprio, and my life is just going downhill. Or maybe my life hasn't really changed at all, and I'm just starting to become more aware of my surroundings and who I really am. Or maybe puberty is finally slapping me in the face. Or maybe reality slapped me in the face, I have no idea. All I know is that some sort of fate is slapping me in the face and I'm waking up.

"Frank, we gotta leave now, the store closes soon." Roger called down the hallway

Well, good fucking thinking Roger, why didn't we leave earlier so we didn't have to stress out about the store closing. Not so bright, yeah? "Alright." I called out instead of being a big baby and insulting him like that.

I got up, and headed for the door.

-time lapse *yay*-

"You're quite short..." Rosana, the tailor/ store lady thing said. She was pinning me up with needles and trying to get my uniform to fit me correctly because I, to her, am a 'pipsqueak'. It's not my fault the clothes were made for giant people with oversized biceps. I think I'm just fine.

"He's a vegan. Probably why." Roger commented

'Actually.. diet doesn't really matter when you're growing. That's what my doctor told me.' I wanted to blurt out, but no one gave a shit about my opinion. No one ever does.

"Alright boys," Rosana sighed through her mouthful of needles "I got everything pinned up."

"Great!" Roger quickly stood up and slapped his hands together

"Should be ready in a week or less... I hope."

"But Frank starts tomorrow..."

"Not my fault. He'll have to wear the bigger ones I suppose."

'Great! That's just what I needed. Starting my day with oversized clothes. That's just one super fucking fantastic way to get picked on for being for the new kid, but there's a bonus! The new kid has over sized clothes, which is great for getting mashed potatoes or other various fooda shoved down your pants.'  My life is hell.

Im going to edit this later cause wattpad is being a little shit

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