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(john Bs pov)
It's been a month since everything happened with Sarah's family. A month since she got shot. A month since she had been drowned. A month since she'd been strangled. Although these things all happened separately they were all within the same 4 weeks and at the time the focus was on one escaping her family, and two finding the cross for pope's benefit, as well as our profit! So we haven't had much time to process anything at all, and now a month later it's all becoming real that these things really did happen to her and although she doesn't want to show it everyone can see that it's beginning to take it's toll on her mental health.

(sarah's pov)
It's been a month since.. well everything. Everything happened so quickly and so much at once. I met john B and it was the clearest decision I've ever had to make, and although that's the best decision I have ever made it's also come with the fact that my family really does resent me. I mean come on I've nearly been killed three times by my Dad and brother, and I was good at hiding it at the beginning but everything has really taken its toll on me and my mental health and i'm really worried that people are going to start seeing through my cover.

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(third person)

It was a normal day on the obx. John B and Sarah have woken up next to each other, JJ and Kiara are still in denial over their love for each other and Cleo and Pope are still a part of the no love club. John B and JJ woke up first and walked down to the boat to catch some fish for later. Whilst walking down they got into a conversation about their love lives and John B was trying to convince JJ that he should go for it with Kiara, as usual he was being stubborn and afraid of loving or being loved. Quickly he changed the conversation into Sarah and they both shared their concerns about how she's on a rapid decline but she doesn't think anyone has noticed, although they all have. They end up catching a few fish (enough for dinner) and head back.

Once they arrive back John B climbs back into bed with a still sleeping Sarah and plays with her hair, he drifts off back to sleep until he's woken to the sound of screaming. He jolts up and realises that it's Sarah. Having a nightmare. She's tossing and turning and crying and shouting in her sleep, John B is trying to wake her up be she isn't waking up, Kiara hears all the screaming and comes sprinting into the room. "I can't wake her up Kie"! John B says anxiously "It'll be okay JB we just need to get her up and stop this nightmare" Kie ends up pulling her up to a sitting position and pulls on her hair and shakes her. Quickly Sarah wakes up and collapses into John Bs arms, her breathing is laboured and she's clammy and hot. "H.. He he c came back a an and was d d drowning me and i i was drowning again" Sara says in between breaths. "Hey, hey Sarah it's okay. It was just a nightmare you were dreaming, your awake now your home with me and your safe" John B says whilst adjusting her so she's looking into his eyes. He cups her face and reminds her to breathe and repeats the comforting words to her "it's okay sar, your safe". When she fully wakes up she's okay again and stops crying. She takes a deep breath and thanks John B and tells him she's going to go take a shower as she's all sweaty from her bad dream "okay babe" he reply's concerned.

JJ and Pope had heard the commotion and once Sarah had left went in to talk to John B "What was that about?" Pope said, "Yeah dude that was wild, I used to wake up like that when Luke would abuse me when i was a kid" replied JJ. "Yeah i don't know man, somethings up with her, I think Rafe was in her dream drowning her again or something" said John B, slightly bewildered.

They all moved on with their day, Sarah felt a bit better and helped Kiara and Cleo prep the table for dinner whilst John B, Pope and JJ cooked the fish on their outdoor fire. They all cracked open a beer and JJ and Kiara shared a spliff. Everything was perfect and they were all having a good evening. They played truth or dare, shotgunned beers and kept the fire going.

In all the fun and commotion Sarah had completely zoned out and her thoughts wondered far far away, back to one month ago. Suddenly she could feel her stab wound, the strangling and the feeling of being drowned all over again. Suddenly she became completely numb and became frozen to her spot. The thoughts racing around her brain suddenly stopped and she couldn't think of anything at all, her vision became clouded and everything came muffled. Soon all she could see was a blur of orange and she could hear muffled noises from her friends conversations. She brought her hand up to her chest and noticed it was speeding up, soon all she could hear was her heartbeat. At this point Kiara had noticed that Sarah had gone unusually quiet and was trying to talk to her and ask if she was okay, Sarah was unable to answer her as her breathing was becoming laboured and a chore to do. Her heart rate kept increasing and the sound became deafening in her ears. She couldn't breathe. She must of been dying? She felt like she was dying that's for sure, Kiara placed her hand on her leg. She jumped at the sudden feeling on her causing her to completely stop breathing, Kiara knelt down in front of her and yelled for John B. "She's having a panic attack JB, quite a severe one I need you to help her" "Shit shit shit, what do i do?" he says. "not panic for one that's not going to help her"! Just hold her hands and i'll try and get her breathing to slow down and then you can take over, you did a good job earlier.

"Sarah? Sarah it's me, it's Kiara I need you to look at me. John Bs here he's holding your hands?" Okay Sar I really need you to listen to me, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, come on in through your nose and out through your mouth. "I can't" sarah just about says through her panic. "Yes you can." John B says, taking over, remembering how he calmed her down when she woke up from her nightmare. "Sarah you're safe. Your with me and Kiara, we're not going to hurt you no one here is going to do anything bad to you we just need you to breathe." "Kiara can you do the breathing again please, John B says calmly and squeezes Sarah's hands.

After about 5 minutes of Kie talking Sarah through breathing she eventually began to breathe at a regular pace and she could see properly. Kiara whispers to John B "I'm going to go help the others (who had walked inside to give her space), you've got this." "Sarah just keep breathing girl I love you" Kie says as she walks away. John B takes over once again and reminds Sarah that she's safe and nothing is going to happen to her. Finally she takes a big breath and breaks down crying into John Bs arms. "I was so scared John B, all I remember is the feeling of all three things happening to me at once and then suddenly body switched off and I was being taught how to breath" she rambles in between sobs. "Hey Sarah, it's okay i've got you." John B whispers "I've got you" he repeats, stroking her hair and rubbing her back as she sobs.

After a while she stops crying and says to John B "I don't know what to do. I can't hide this anymore I cannot shake the images off my mind of me being almost killed. I can't do this anymore" John B looks at her and says "Sarah, I know. I know you're struggling, anyone would be but hiding it from me is just going to cause bigger upset like this in the future you can talk to me anytime anywhere." "I love you, Sarah Cameron" Tears brim her eyes again and she kisses him. "I love you too." she says as she pulls out of the kiss. JB kisses her on the forehead and gently pulls her up to standing, come on Mrs Routeledge lets get you to bed. Sarah says nothing and just smiles weakly at him, John B picks her up as she's so exhausted. The journey from outside to their bed gives her enough time to fall asleep and she sleeps peacefully on John B for the whole night.

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