from day one

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They were 6 years old the first time they ever saw each other. Sarah's mum passed away 3 years ago giving birth to her younger sister and John Bs mum had just left leaving them both with something in common. They'd seen each other around the island a few times but they also were 6 year old children who were conditioned into the whole pogues versus kooks rule so they weren't really allowed to have a proper conversation. Though Sarah knew everything about everyone as her dad had links all over the island so she had heard about his mum leaving and even though she was a young child she felt sorry for him as she'd gone through similar only 3 years ago, so she wrote him a note in her squiggly child-like handwriting and it read
"To John B, hello! i am sorry to hear about your mum leaving my mum died three years ago so i know how it feels. i know you are a pogue and i am a kook but you can talk to me if you want too
from sarah" and she signed it off with a smiley face. John B later found it on his front door and later on whilst he was sat outside a shop waiting for his dad he saw Sarah walking along with her brother and called her name. "hey sarah!" sarah came running over ignoring the calls from her older brother rafe. "did you get my letter?" she questioned "i did. thank you sarah" he reply's greatfully "it's okay!" she says in her carefree tone and gives him a quick hug before skipping off. He watched her skip away and admired the way her long blonde hair bounced around behind her, although he was only six he knew there was something different about the way her. His thoughts were broken as his dad exited the shop. He waved across the road to her as he walked the other way. That was the first time Sarah Cameron and John B ever had a conversation.

By the time they were 10 years old they had their own opinions on the kook VS pogue rule but they still had to follow it because they were still only kids. Even though naturally they saw each other more because they were allowed to go out on their own now and always bumped into each other at the beach. One time John B was sat on the beach with JJ, Pope and Kiara. Pope was nattering about how they should start focusing on their schoolwork now and Kiara was saying something about being eco friendly and the turtles. JJ was hopping between conversations whilst John B was staring across the beach where Sarah was with her friends. Once again he was admiring her long blonde hair and the way it swished around her shoulders. He had to talk to her. Last time they only spoke because his mother had just left and sweet little sarah reached out to him and they were just babies so it was easier. He was so zoned out that he didn't notice Sarah walking over to him "what ya staring at" she sasses "oh sorry i just zoned out" he awkwardly reply's back looking at the floor. "oh right" she reply's with a smirk. He meets her eyes for a second and she asks "how you doing?" "im all okay" he answers "and you?" "It's okay, think rafes going slightly physco but it's okay" she smiles sadly. "Well nice talking to you" turning on her heel she waves and John B waves back. That was the second time Sarah Cameron and John B ever spoke.

They had a few more awkward interactions from the age of 10 until 16, John B also got a job working for her dad so he saw a lot of her. By now Sarah made it clear she hated the Kook VS Pogue thing but John B didn't agree because it's "easy to say that when your a kook" At this point his whole friend group hated her and hated all the kooks, although on the outside he had to hate her there was always a soft spot for Sarah. Later he was at the kegger, an annual party for the obx and Sarah was being twirled around by her boyfriend Topper. He was staring at her longingly admiring how her long blonde hair twirled around shoulders. JJ offered her a beer and she declined whilst staring right at John B, before he knew it Topper was by her side so he couldn't make any conversation.

A few days later he was trying to return some stolen scuba gear that he took of her dad when he realised that she was laying on the couch asleep and he woke her up - accidentally. "John B what the hell are you doing" she says confused as she woke up "what are you doing here?" he asked "it's our boat and the only place with aircon" she remarks back. "could ask you the same question" he answers with "just returning something!" "so your sneaking onto our boat at 5am with empty tanks?" she says. "please just don't tell him okay?" he begs. she laughs a little "i'm not gonna tell him anything" "your secrets safe with me John B"before motioning with her hand for him to get out and going back to sleep.
The third time they spoke.

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