surfing accident

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"Yes babe!!" Sarah shouts from a distance. Today all the pogues were down at the beach and whilst the girls were tanning on the beach John B, JJ and Pope were hitting the waves. Sarah adored the beach, it made her remember. The sound of crashing waves, the feel of the sand and the happy cheer from her boyfriend catching waves in the distance. Life really was better at the beach.

John was one of the best surfers in the OBX and almost never fell off his board and he was about to catch a wave when another surfer didn't see him and cut in on his wave and hit him. Sarah was watching from a distance but didn't realise it was John B so wasn't paying too much attention until she saw that the person was flung onto a rock. He got knocked out and was seriously injured from what she could see from land, instinctively she ran towards the ocean hoping she could help whoever it was as she'd taken a few first aiding lessons in her years of the bubble wrap. She reached the shore and heard the surfer apologising a lot. Looking out at the sea she saw that a few local surfers as well as JJ and Pope had put the person a surfboard and was paddling him jn. She suddenly realised that John B wasn't there, looking at the surfboard she realised that the injured person was in fact John B. She screamed and her knees buckled as Kiara caught her "call 911!!" she screams. They got a beach goer to ring an ambulance for him. She raced towards the people carrying him in and when he was placed on the ground she started whispering to him and held his bloody hand. Once he was on land he started to wake up but had a huge cut on his side which Sarah was keeping pressure on with a jumper a local gave her.

He opened his eyes fully and saw Sarah knelt beside him. He was confused for a second and then was met with an overwhelming force of pain and he screamed. At first she was relieved at the fact he had opened his eyes but that relief soon went away when he began to scream in pain. All Sarah wanted to do was help him or distract him but he was in too much pain to focus on anything and soon passed out from the amount of pain he was in. Once he passed out Sarah screamed again for someone to call 911, although people already had. The other pogues were now at their sides, Cleo looking after Sarah as she was freaking out and had to be reminded to breathe every now and again and the boys and Kie keeping a watchful eye on john B and making sure the pressure stayed on the wound.

The ambulance arrived very soon after John B had passed out again. The paramedics rushed straight over to them and thanked everyone for helping and got straight to assisting JB. They were trying to ask Sarah questions but she couldn't speak properly and didn't know what to say because she wasn't watching properly, luckily JJ and Pope were in the sea with him and witnessed the accident and had all the answers. They kept the pressure on his big cut and made sure his spine and neck were ok. They put a neck brace on in case because it looked as though it was hurt in someway. The paramedics carried him on a board to the ambulance hand the whole ride to the hospital. "Is anyone going to ride with him?" a paramedic called looking at the pogues, they pushed Sarah forwards and all agreed that she should be the one to go with him and they'd follow the ambulance up in the twinkie. Sarah held his hand the whole way to the hospital, becoming increasingly anxious.

At the hospital Kiara was rushed to a room and Sarah had to wait outside, she watched the love of her life get taken away behind curtains and she couldn't take it. she was terrified. but she had to stay strong, though she had to find a seat as she couldn't stand any longer. She found a chair and sunk into it and let the tears fall. Soon enough the other Pogues arrived at the hospital and saw Sarah crying in a chair, they all rushed over to her and they had a group hug. Sarah explained that she didn't know what was going on.

JJ was pacing back and forth, Cleo and Pope were sat in a corner quietly and Sarah and Kiara were sat holding hands trying not to fall apart. 40 minutes later a nurse came out and informed everyone that John B will be in a lot of pain and is injured up pretty badly but will be ok in the long run and is expected to make a full recovery. But he is still unconscious and will hopefully waking up soon. The nurse continued "As of right now only one person will be able to visit him for a period of 5 minutes as he is still sleeping". Looking around Sarah asked "can i go"? They all agreed again and the nurse said "perfect, follow me"

Sarah hated hospitals. They reminded her of her mum but she tried to push that aside as she followed to nurse to a private room. The nurse opened a door and said "here he is, i'll be back when your times up". Walking in slowly she tried to ignore the beeping and the smell of the room and walked towards John B. He looked so vulnerable. Laying there asleep, cuts over his face and his neck in a brace. Somehow she loved him even more.. She sat bedside him and held his hand and although he couldn't hear her she told him that she loved him. The five minutes passed quickly and she had to leave, she walked back to the pogues and sat down once again. The same nurse came over and told them it was probably best to head home and he most likely won't wake up until tomorrow morning and he's in a stable condition and they could come from 8am. Reluctantly the pogues left the hospital and drove home, it was weird without John B and Sarah felt lonely in the night without him by her side.

The next morning the pogues all got back into the twinkie and drove back to the hospital, just as they arrived John B was waking up. They were informed that he'd still be in lots of pain but he was on loads of medication to help with this. They rushed into the room as fast as they could. Sarah reached him first and engulfed him a hug as carefully as she could "don't ever do that ever again" she laughed tearfully. JJ was next to hug him and one by one they all said their hellos. John B was still pretty groggy but he was also very high from all the drugs they had given him so he was in a very funny mood. Sarah stayed with him all day long and at one point had fit herself into his bed and they napped together. The nurse told them that he would be allowed home in 3 days but visiting hours were over and they'd have to come back tomorrow. All the pogues left but Sarah walked slower to say goodbye properly, she ran over to the bed and they shared a kiss before she left. "i love you!" she shouted"

3 days later after long days John B was finally released from hospital but he couldn't walk much and was still in a lot of pain but Sarah didn't leave his side once and was his ultimate support whilst he was recovering. John B couldn't actually remember what happened he only knew that he was surfing, JJ had found a video of the accident and John B really wanted to see it so JJ showed him. Sarah didn't like watching it and felt sick to her stomach watching him get thrown off again, at first John B was in shock but then he smiled slightly and said "woah that's a big fall" Sarah just looks at him wearily and says "John B i literally thought you were dead." "you can't get rid of me that easily." he reply's with a smile, they group was glad that the usual JB was back and they laugh at that comment and eventually Sarah sees the funny side and although he still had a long road to recovery. He was definitely on the right track.

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