if you have a fear of sick this might be triggering for you, also sorry for the boring chapter but it's important for a story coming out tomorrow which will lead into a brand new book in the next few days 😆
Sarah woke up at around 3am feeling incredibly nauseous, slowly sitting up she felt disoriented and confused before waking up fully and feel so so sick. She shook John and shoulder "John B, JOHN B" she said louder and louder until he woke up. Rolling over groaning he mumbled "what is it sar" slightly confused and irritated as to why he'd been woken up. "i feel sick" she whispered scared. "Okay okay let's go to the bathroom and see how you feel"
As Sarah stood up she felt a wave of nausea run
through her and practically sprinted to the bathroom, once arriving she fell to her knees and leant over the bowl and threw up only just making it in time. John B gathered up her blonde locks and attempted to put it in a messy bun so it was out the way, he rubbed her back until she stopped throwing up. Sarah's shaking hands gripped the cool edges of the toilet seat and tears formed in the corners of her eyes. Sinking against the wall she put her chin up to try to not cry, she hated being sick and when she was younger she had a huge fear over it and she had always been scared that people would get angry at her for being sick so it was always a lot when she vomited.
John B rubbed her knee without saying anything and just knew what was going on in her head, he told her that she's okay and she's safe and that he was going to go get her some water.On return with the water Sarah was already gagging again over the toilet and sobbing, for some reason trying to stop her body from being sick. Quickly John B placed the water down and knelt beside her. "it's okay baby just breathe, let yourself be sick i'm right here with you your okay just breathe nothing bad will happen" she retched again and allowed her body to take over. Once she had finally finished she shuddered and put her head into her shaking hands and cried, John B pulled her in for a hug before grabbing the water and telling her to take small sips, she managed to keep the water down so she brushed her teeth, washed her hands and face quickly and went back to bed. John B placed a trashcan and a glass of water next to her just in case. They got back into their bed before Sarah whispered
"John B? i'm scared" John B replied with
"it's okay sar there's nothing to be scared of i'll stay awake until your asleep and you can wake me if you need anything i promise". Sarah nodded sleepily and leant her head on his chest and quickly fell asleep, once JB heard her breathing even out he sighed and also went back to sleep.The next morning John B woke up before Sarah so he got up first and went to go clean the bathroom and make a coffee, he knew that when Sarah was ill she preferred a tea so he made her that and returned to the bedroom and saw Sarah propped up on a pillow scrolling through her phone.
"oh good morning babe i made you tea" he said to her
"oh thank you!" she replied great fully
"how you feeling?" john b asked cautiously
"actually completely fine it's really weird" sarah replied. John B wasn't quite sure if she was lying so they could carry on with their day they had planned but he took it with a pinch of salt and got back into bed and they drank their drinks.Later that evening the rest of the pogues were there and they sat around the bonfire, this was an evening that JB and Sarah were especially looking forward to and didn't want to ruin it. The evening was going well until they started cooking food, until Sarah smelt the food cooking and was overcome with a familiar wave of nausea. She quickly excused her self and John B noticed her hastily make her way into the house, after about 2 minutes he grew concerned and went to check on her. He hears coughing from the bathroom and immediately realises that Sarah was vomiting again, sighing he made his wake to the bathroom and yet again grabs a hair tie and pulls her hair back into a loose pony tail. He sat behind her rubbing her back and she coughs and heaves into the toilet bowl.
"You're alright." he said trying to comfort his sobbing girlfriend. When she stops he gently pulled her back into his chest. She rested her head on his chest and curled up in a ball.
"I'm sorry." She choked out.
"What are you sorry for ?" he asked, rubbing her back.
"I am ruining your bonfire night!" she cried.
"Sarah you didn't ruin bonfire night we could have easily moved it to another day if you were still feeling sick. he sighs and wrapped his arms around her neck.
"i genuinely did feel better though!" she assured him. John B tells her to get in the shower and freshen up so she feels comfortable and then just go back to bed, and she does just that.Returning back outside he informs the pogues that Sarah's not feeling well so he was going to call it a night, he says goodbye to everyone and returns to his now sleeping girlfriend. He kisses her head and lays beside her takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. The next few days Sarah was up and down with the sickness bug, she felt fine most of the day but she'd randomly just feel nauseous or be sick and she was so so tired all the time. No one quite knew why, but she had a slight concern and idea what it could be..

jarah one shots 💓
Fanfictionjohn b and sarah short story's 💓 message or leave a comment for story suggestions, only doing people's ideas now because i'm working on a different book :)