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John B was sat by the fire at the annual keggar, thinking about how the last time there was a keggar his now 'wife' was with topper and he remembered knowing from that evening when he felt the jealousy towards Topper that he loved her. Gazing into the distance he realised Topper was here yet again, although this time Sarah was just getting drinks with JJ and Kiara instead of being with him. Pope and Cleo came and sat down next to him "God I swear if I hear Kie talk one more time about how I nearly ran over that turtle that time on the boat I'm gonna lose my mind!" Pope yells and Cleo laughs. "You know kie, always busy saving the ocean." she says grinning. They both quickly shut up when they see that Topper is making his way over to Sarah, which ordinarily would be okay but due to their past and how scared Sarah currently looked they jumped into action mode and John B had obviously noticed at the same time because he got up and all three of them made there way over to her, although she was safe and Kiara and JJ were standing protectively near by the trio still wanted to go and make sure everything was okay.

Topper noticed that all 5 pogues were now surrounding him and Sarah and looked around. "Hey John B" he slurs. "Whatcha doing Top?" John B reply's firmly. "leave her alone". Topper laugh's manically "she was mine first" JJ and Pope stood either side of John B and Cleo and Kiara made there way to stand either side of Sarah so everyone felt they were protected. Kiara spoke up and said "well she's not anymore so you leave her alone she's happier with John B" and carefully walking towards them and grabbing sarah's arm. Slowly they all backed away and Cleo, Kiara, Sarah, Pope and JJ slowly made their way back up the beach, they quickly realised that John B hadn't followed when they heard shouting.

"Beat his ass, John B!" Somebody yells.
"Get him, Topper!"
"You got this!"
JJ sprinted down towards the pair in attempts to save matters. Kiara ran over and stood next to JJ. "Holy shit!
Beat his ass JB! You got this!"
The two boys continued to fight.
Then it got too far when Topper started drowning him. "What the fuck!" Kie yells.
"What the hell man!" Cleo yells. Pope is just staring with anger. "JJ do something, please!" Sarah yelled over to him as tears prickle in her eyes and she began shaking and her knees buckled. Quickly Kiara grabbed her and held her as they watched the fight explode. "someone please!!" Sarah shouts again

JJ meets Sarah's fearful eyes and a wave of adrenaline rushed over him. He knew he had to save his friend, not only for himself but for his newfound sister. Next thing you knew he was behind topper. "Yeah you know what that is." JJ tells topper as topper freezes realizing what is being held to his head. A gun. "JJ!" Kie yells. "Holy shit!" Pope shouted. Topper backs off. "All right everyone listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ yells as he shoots the gun in the air. The pogues all ran to John B to make sure he was okay. Sarah reached him first and yells "God dammit John B he could've killed you!" while hugging him tightly never wanting to let go. Pope and Cleo follow closely behind and now that Kiara can see that JB is safe and okay she heads over to JJ.

At this point everyone had ran because they knew that the cops would soon be showing up. "thank god for JJ" sarah says."but what were you doing trying to fight topper in the first place". "you looked uncomfortable and i knew i needed to protect you" John B says looking at her. Sarah wraps her arm around him and says "John B i love you and thank you but it's okay i don't need protecting". "I know but i just don't like you getting hurt and i hate topper!" he says. Giggling at his frustration she takes his hand and they walk up the beach together.

The pogues spent the rest of their evening at the chateau and hanging out in the "cats ass" drinking beers and smoking pot. "Cmon Pope! Just do it" JJ says trying to influence him to smoke. "don't be a bad influence jayj" kiara teases. Oblivious to the world around them John B and Sarah were in their own little world just in a little love bubble and eventually sneak off together which ends the evening perfectly.

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