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Sarah was planning the following week and trying to work out when she was free to work when suddenly she realised something as she was flipping through trying to see how many shifts she'd done recently she realised that she was a week late on her period. "shit" she whispered to herself remembering that her and John B had infact got drunk a few nights ago and didn't use protection.

She tried to call Kiara as she would know what to do and was Sarah's ultimate source of comfort in these situations. Shakily typing in her name in her contacts to find her number she found it and pressed the call number. "hey it's kiara, i'm probably out surfing so call me later. bye" her voicemail rang out. "shit shit shit" sarah said again beginning to pace around not quite knowing what to do.

She's still muttering to herself and cursing under her breath so she doesn't even hear John B come into the room, she jumps as he taps her on the shoulder. He laughs and says "didn't mean to scare you!" but his face quickly drops and he goes serious when he sees Sarah's face and shaking hands. "Sar?" he asks. She settled and slowly leant against the wall. "John B?" "w-what's wrong" john B questions anxiously. Sarah begins raking her hands through her hair as she usually does when she's stressed out. She takes a deep breath and funny says "I'm late, John B."
He looks confused for a second not quite sure what she means and then it clicks. He stands up straight. "You're sure?" Sarah nods, showing him your calendar, "I haven't been on since then, and remember the other night when we were drunk?" He winces a little, remembering.

Suddenly Sarah felt a wave of nauseousness and she panics not sure if this is because she's pregnant or just anxious. John B takes her hand and comforts her assuring her that no matter what it'll be okay. He scratches the back of his neck, "Okay.. well let's not panic. How about we go to the store and get a test?" Sarah agrees, "I think that would be a good idea.." She began to walk out the door but turned around quickly "John B what if I am pregnant?"
"We'll work it out. We always do" He presses a kiss to your forehead, "It'll be okay." He smiles, "We'll just be a little early getting our family started, beating the biological clock i suppose" he laughs thinking about their conversation on the ferry only a few weeks ago.

They drove to the nearest pharmacy in silence, both consumed by their thoughts and their minds began to wander about the fact that Sarah could be carrying a baby, a baby who is half them. Sarah's heart swells at the thought. It was much earlier than what she would have liked to be starting a family but they could make it work, right? I mean they both had jobs and a place to live "If we are pregnant... we can turn the guest room into the nursery." John B states, finally breaking the silence "We'll have to baby proof the whole house.. it's a disaster." Sarah sighs
"We won't have to worry about that until the baby starts crawling though." says John B
"That's true.. if we're actually pregnant that is" Sarah answers looking at John B.

They arrive at the shop and find the aisle with the pregnancy tests in. The pair stand there wide eyed looking at all the different options. "There's so many" John B says stating the obvious" "hmm okay let's get this one" Sarah says pointing to one with a blue packet. John B bends down to pick it up and the pair walk towards the checkout.

20 minutes later they arrive back home, Sarah goes into the bathroom to take the test and once she's done she calls John B in and sets the test down on the counter to wait. She also sets a two minute timer. Sarah's heart is pounding out her chest and she can't make her mind up if she wants a baby or not. It wouldn't be practical but they could make it work. John B rubs soft circles on her back to comfort her.

They're both so zoned out and lost in thought that they jump at the sound of the timer and when Sarah goes to look at the test, her heart drops. She couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that it's negative. She turns around to face John B, "It's negative." She whispered, blinking back tears. He takes the test to see for himself, also feeling them same moment of slight disappointment and then looks up at her, seeing the tears in her eyes, "Sar.." He sets the test back on the counter and wraps his arms around her. "It's okay." He says rubbing her back, "We'll have a baby one day, alright? This just proves that now isn't the right time" He pulls back to wipe her tears with the pad of his thumb.
She sniffles, "I don't know why I'm upset.. I guess I was excited at the idea of starting a family with you."
He gives a soft smile and nods, "Me too baby. It's okay. We'll have a baby one day." He presses a kiss to her forehead, "I love you." "I love you too."

Later that evening the couple were curled up on the sofa when Sarah's stomach started cramping, she ran to the bathroom and she'd started her period. "so typical" she said laughing to herself. John B heard her laughing and shouted "You good in there?" "Yeah, defo not pregnant!" she shouted back.

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