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this one's an adaption from the turtle scene, if anyone remembers after ruthie runs over the turtles sarah try's to go up to them but john b stops her (27:51) basically what could of happened if she actually went up to them. i also tried to flip between POVS, someone gave me the idea but can't remember who so thanks to them!! okay happy reading 🤗

(sarah's pov)
i watched as that psycho crazy bitch tried to run over kie, I dived into her to avoid her getting completely squashed but then just as we were getting up she reverses. shit shit shit. i mutter under my breath knowing exactly what was about to happen. the turtles, the turtles were the reason me and kie became friends in the first place back in 9th grade she had just joined the school and looked so sad all the time so i invited her to hatch baby sea turtles, best day of our lives. Anyway here we were today reliving that magical moment and I watched helplessly as a truck ran over the turtles in an attempt to get back at us pogues.

We all froze as she drove away until Kie noticed one turtle in the sand not moving. "no no no" she said breathlessly running over to them and picking one up in her hand. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she realised that a turtle had been killed, she looked up furiously and told us to wait here. I tried to follow but John B stopped me "babe, no wait" he'd said but there was no way I was letting her get away with this.

(John Bs pov)

Sarah Cameron. The love of my life, my "wife" oh how I adore her but my god how she is stubborn and protective. I saw the look in her eyes the second she saw Kiara tear up over the turtles, although being one of the youngest in the group she always had that motherly instinct about her. I tried to stop her going over to Ruthie because I know she's strong but I really do not need her getting into a fight today, physical or verbal.

"babe no, wait" I said softly but firmly placing my hand on her shoulder. "john b. please i am going over there ill be okay" she said firmly looking at me deep into my eyes before walking off with her head held eye. "oh good god" i said quietly knowing how she can be when she's mad. Especially to the cause of upsetting someone she loves.

(sarah's pov)
As I walked closer to them I saw Topper shift uncomfortably in his place and could hear Kie beginning to shout at them "walk away!" Topper had shouted and as she gave up and walked back I saw Ruthie pour something on her. That was enough for me. I ran over there right up to Ruthie and shouted "who the actual fuck do you think you are?"
"okay princess has balls let's see it then" she remarked in her snarky tone looking me up and down judgementally.
I walked up to her face and looked at her in the eyes. "don't mess with my friends and don't run over turtles you psycho crazy bitch" I screamed unable to control myself.
"what did you just say to me bitch?" she said stunned
Topper tried to stop us but we were having none of it, I could also hear John B, Kiara and JJ coming behind me as they knew exactly what was about to happen.
"oh look your pals are here to save you how sweet" ruthie said to me mockingly.
"what did you say to me bitch" i said pushing her shoulders before turning around and before I knew it I was face down on the sand.

Hearing the gasps come from my friends I quickly jumped to my feet and shoved her again, only harder causing her to stumbled back. I took this opportunity to grab her hair and pulled out a huge chunk. I was ready now and she tried to trip me over but missed causing her to lose balance so I took advantage and shoved her to the floor. We continued fighting and I could now hear John B screaming at Topper but I couldn't make out what was being said. Suddenly I felt blood on my knuckles and realised I had made Her nose bleed, the pause was enough for John B to notice and quickly picked me up and put me behind him. I was a little dazed so I missed what was being said between him and Ruthie but was greatful when he took my shaking hand and we walked away.

I could hear JJ screaming at them in the background "if you come near Kie or Sarah, any of us any again then i will kill every single one of you" before walking back to us. We got back into the twinkie silently before I spoke up "i'm sorry guys we promised each other a peaceful day out" my eyes brimmed with unexplained tears and I felt JBs hand on my leg rubbing it comfortingly. JJ laughs from the backseat "honestly princess i had no idea you had that in you" "it was pretty awesome" kiara agreed.

In all honesty I wasn't proud of myself but I did feel good that I had stuck up for myself and my friends.


sorry this is so rushed i don't really know how to write a fight scene but hope you enjoy. will probs postt another story to make up for this short one :)

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