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Hello everyone, welcome to chapter 2.

I hope you enjoy it!

Trevor in MM :)



I walk into school and head straight toward the cafeteria for breakfast, with Mason by my side typing away on his phone. We stand in the semi-long line at the door, waiting to be given our food. Mason's fingers are moving incredibly fast and I can't help but wonder who he's texting. He hasn't stopped typing since he got on the bus this morning.

Speaking of the bus, yesterday afternoon when Kyle was suppose to be going to the store to grab a few things, he picked up a speeding ticket and is now restricted from driving his car. That means that I now have to ride the bus.

Thanks, Kyle.

The line's moving pretty slow, as always, so I pull out my phone and go to Instagram. I'm not big on social media, it's just something to entertain me from time to time. I scroll through, but since it's only a little after 7 am, nothing's been posted. I click over to the 'Explore' page, scrolling through the text posts, pepe memes and the occasional argument, until finally, we're able to get our food.

It's the usual: a chicken or sausage biscuit, cereal, pb&j, toast, or yogurt and graham crackers. I point to the sausage biscuits, signaling to the lunch lady that that's what I want, and she grabs it for me, placing it on a small plastic plate and handing it over. I walk down the line, grab an orange juice and some jelly, then begin to put in my lunch code. I look up and wait for the 'okay' that my number has gone through, then head to my usual table.

I feel something under my shoe, and look down to see what it is. The lace from my all white Vans has come untied and I'm walking on it.

"Shit." I curse under my breath, looking down at my shoe, but still walking. I hate when my shoes come untied, the laces get dirty and it just looks tacky. I continue looking at my shoe, trying to kick the lace from under my foot when I bump into someone. My biscuit goes flying off my plate, and lands near the other person's shoe, an all pink Van. "Shit part two." I curse again, this time a little louder.

I look up to see who I bumped into and... No. Oh God, no. It's April.

"I am so sorry!" She shrieks, bending down to pick up the sausage and biscuit crumbs from the floor.

"No, no! That was totally my fault, I'm really sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." She looks better today than she did yesterday. Her hair's pulled up into a puff on top of her head, and curls are falling everywhere. She's sporting a pink and white Adidas jacket, skinny-legged khakis, and all pink Vans.

"Well, yea that's true," she laughs. I can't help but laugh back while squatting down beside her to help clean the mess.

"You really don't have to help me clean this up," I tell her. She looks at me for a second before looking back down.

"Oh no, it's fine. I helped cause this mess." I smile, looking at her, and she smiles back. "Hey, aren't you in my French class? I think I sat beside you yesterday."

"Yep. That's me," I smile. She is so pretty.

"Well thanks for the seat," she says, standing up from her squatting position. I then stand up too, holding the plate of crumbs in one hand and my juice in the other.



I stand in the shower allowing the steaming water to run through my hair and down my back. Today was long and school was seriously dragging. The only good part about it was bumping into April this morning, since she didn't show up to third block. God, how can one be so beautiful? I have to talk to her, like I really, really want to talk to her. But what do I say? I mean, how do I know she's even attracted to guys like me?

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