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Happy update day!

Voices - Disclosure ft Sasha Keable in MM.

Please enjoy! (:



"Dude hurry up, we're going to be late. I really can't afford another tardy," I yell to Kyle. He's still in the bathroom, doing whatever Kyles do, when he knows that classes start in fifteen minutes. Plus, we have to pick up Mason. I yell at him again from the living room and finally, he comes down the stairs. His hair is tousled and he looks completely drained, but I have absolutely no time to ask him any questions.

"Don't have a bitch fit, man." He slaps my shoulder as he walks past me and out of the front door. I groan and walk out behind him.

"What took you so long?" I ask him once we pull out of our driveway. He shrugs in return.

"I was handling some business," he replies. I know he's lying, I can see it all over his face, but I leave it alone. We pull up to Mason's house and he's standing on his front lawn. He throws his arms up and scowls at us.

"Dude, what the hell took you guys so long? I have a fucking test first block. No one has time to be waiting on you guys all day." He hops in the backseat and Kyle takes off down the road.

"Hey, watch who the hell you're talking to. If it wasn't for me, your ass would be on the bus," Kyle says. I chuckle and look out of the window at the passing scenery. It's mid-March, so it's not light out yet. I think it's stupid that we have to wake up and go to school before it's even daylight outside, but whatever.

We pull up to the school and just as we step inside, the bell rings.

"Dammit, Kyle," I mutter. He rolls his eyes and he, Mason and I all start toward the attendance office. I told him that I couldn't afford another fucking tardy. I now have a parent-teacher conference, which means that my parents are going to be riding my dick about getting to class on time. The attendance lady says that she'll call our teachers and let them know that we're on our way, then she dismisses us from her office.

I open the door to my first block class and everyone stares.

"Dude, what the fuck are y'all looking at?" I ask the class. Most of them glare at me before turning back to their work. The teacher doesn't hear, she's too busy doing something on her phone like always. We all suspect that she has some type of younger boy toy who's always texting her during class. Probably sexting her, but let's hope not; I don't think her old heart would be able to handle it.

She finally looks up, just as I'm taking my seat, and calls me over. Goddammit, she couldn't have called me over like point two seconds ago when I was still standing up? I huff and slam my hands on the desk dramatically. I walk over to her and she hands me a note, then allows me to go back and sit down. I look at the note once I take my seat, noticing that it isn't from her like I thought it was. It's a note from my guidance counselor telling me to come to him during fourth block for a meeting regarding the change in my schedule for next year. I have no idea what it's talking about at first, then I finally realize what it means.

Fucking April.


"April Waters, what the hell did you do?" I storm into French class and straight over to April's desk. She looks confused at first, then she sees the note in my hand and smiles.

"I talked to Mr. Johnson and told him that you were thinking about taking more advanced classes next year. He laughed at first; I guess he thought I was joking. But when I finally convinced him, he said he'd give one of your teachers a note telling you when to visit his office to talk about it. He said that he'd see about changing your standard classes into Honors classes. Isn't that great?" She exclaims. I sigh and place my things on my desk, then I sit down in my chair and turn to face her.

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