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Hello my beautiful bunnies, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Love you all, and happy reading!

Music to jam to in MM. (I absolutely love this song.)

Mason in MM :)



I climb into Mason's bedroom window, falling over onto the beanbag chair that sits underneath it.

"It's about time you got here," he says, sitting at his computer desk eating a bag of Doritos. I give him a face, turning and sitting up right on the squishy chair.

"Well you don't know how hard it is to sneak out of the house this late at night," I state, scolding him for calling me at nearly midnight to come to his house.

"Whatever man," he says, waving me off. I tilt my head to the side, giving him a look of pure confusion. He looks at me and furrows his eyebrows. "The hell are you looking at me like that for?"

"Cause I'm wondering why the fuck your nut head ass called me over here at nearly midnight and ain't talking about nothing. I could get grounded, you know?" He sighs and runs his left hand down his face.

"Yea, man. I'm sorry, but it's important."

"So important you couldn't talk to me about it over the phone?" I ask him seriously. He gives me a look that I can't really read, before nodding his head. "Fine man, shoot." I say.

"I think he's doing it again." He talks only above a whisper. I sigh, shaking my head.

"Shit," I curse under my breath, before standing up and walking over to his bed, taking a seat. "You sure?" He swirls around away from me and toward his computer.

"I found out their credit card information and I check the transactions often. The page says that there was a transaction made at some restaurant that isn't even in Atlanta, and he bought lobsters, steaks, wines and everything. Then, there's a transaction made at this fancy-shmancy hotel for a king's suit. These were all made last weekend when he was supposed to be on a "business trip"." He says, air quoting 'business trip.' Mason's been having this problem for a while, a little over a year actually. He thinks his dad is cheating on his mom, and the evidence he has is pretty, well, evident.

"Why won't you show this to your mom?" I ask him. He turns toward me giving me the most hurt look I've ever seen come across his face. He sighs and looks down at the floor, fiddling with his fingers, before sighing again and looking up at me.

"I think she knows, Trevor." His voice is a bit shaky when he speaks, and I can't help but hurt for him. He is the only child between his mom and dad, so he has an extremely knit relationship with his parents. Well, his mom, anyway. He had a pretty tight relationship with his dad before he started repeatedly going on all these business trips. Then he started to find stuff, like single earrings in his dad's pockets, receipts for things he hadn't seen being used around the house, and now the credit card transactions.

"Well why do you think that she won't separate from him, or divorce him?" I ask him. His head shoots up in my direction, his nose flaring. He stands up from the desk chair, inching closer toward me. He then bends over so that we're eye level, his usual hazel-green colored eyes now a hue of brown I've never seen on him before.

"Look, this bastard is doing some pretty fucked up shit, I know that. But my parents are not getting a divorce, by any means necessary." His voice is low, not scary low, but low. A bit intimidating, but not scary. He walks over to the beanbag, slouching down in it as far as he can. Running his hands down his face, he blows out a tough breath, before showing his now reddened eyes.

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