Sometimes, to gain great power, some might need to suffer to obtain it.
Y/N was born with the power over chaos, but no way to obtain it. Certain people took a great interest in Y/N because of this. He was taken, tortured, experimented on for the sak...
Continuing from the previous chapter, Kai gets ambushed by four ninja all wielding different weapons, well, except the final ninja who had nothing in his hands.
Kai attacks the ninja with his toothbrush, somehow being able to use it as a weapon to by him some time. The last ninja didn't attack, just observed the battle. As the three other ninja were distracted, Kai leaped into the roof, the weapon wielding ninja following after.
???: "Not bad thus far."
He followed after the three, only to see that the scythe-wielding ninja had kicked Kai through the roof of the monastery. He deadpanned.
???: "Gonna have to get him to fix the damages later..."
He jumps through the recently made hole in the roof, and a bead of sweat rolled down his face. It wasn't because of fear or anything, but because they were dog-piling each other. He sighs and shook his head. They were such blockheads...
However, his thoughts were cut off as Wu emerged from the Monastery. The ninja immediately turned to him.
WU: "Stop!"
NINJA: "Yes Sensei."
KAI: "Wait a minute, they're your students too?" Wu nods. "This was my final test, wasn't i-?"
???: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You never said anything about a fifth. It's always four. Four seasons. Four Blind Mice. Four Musketeers. Four—"
???: "It's three Blind Mice, blue."
???: "Uh, what he's trying to say, Sensei Wu, is that four of us have trained together. We're solid."
KAI: "Didn't look so solid to me."
???: "Master, what is the meaning of this?"
WU: "Each of you have been chosen. Each in tune with elemental properties. But first, ninja, Go!"
Wu uses his Spinjitzu to change the outfits of the four ninja and give them each a weapon. Well, all except the ninja who didn't fight Kai.
KAI: "Whoa!"
BLACK: "How'd he do that?!"
The Blue Ninja looked elated, even with the hood covering his face.
BLUE:"Whoa! Look what color I am!"
GRAY: "Dark Gray...This shall suffice."
BLACK: "Wait a minute, I'm still black."
Wu starts donning each ninja with their respective element.
WU: "Kai, Master of Fire. It burns bright in you."
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WU: "Jay is blue, Master of Lightning."
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