Chapter 39: The Titanium Ninja - Last Story

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[A/N: The end for Rebooted has come, readers. I just want to say, writing this chapter killed me a little on the inside. This episode always was on that made me tear up, even years later]

The Space Colony was quiet, awfully quiet in the atmosphere of Ninjago. However, that peace was soon interrupted by a loud explosion rang through the deep recessives of space.


Two blurs rushed past, clashing with one another as if it was a duel to the death. The two combatants were Y/N and his Android counterpart, exchanging quick, precise, and powerful punches with one another.

 The two combatants were Y/N and his Android counterpart, exchanging quick, precise, and powerful punches with one another

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The two were one and the same, one completely mimicking the other without being able to gain ground. The two were battered up, Y/N with a few scrapes and bleeding from his face while the Android had pieces of his metal shell torn off.

Y/N ANDROID: "This has gone on long enough! Chaos Spear!"

He threw the golden spear at Y/N, but he teleported behind the Android.

Y/N: "Your right, this has! Chaos Spear!"

The Android turned around, catching the Chaos Spear in his hands. He raised his other hand, coating it in Chaos Energy before trying to hit him in the face.

Y/N: "Chaos Strike!"

He countered the punch with his own, causing a shockwave that sent both combatants back. Then, the two sped down the pathway, continuing to fight one another.

Y/N ANDROID: "We must get revenge for what happened to Maria! Why don't you understand that?!"

Y/N: "I do understand! But we promised to give them a chance to be happy, something she never got!"

Y/N ANDROID: "Liar!"

The two ran into a large room, both leaping onto a wall before they charged at one another. Colliding and making the nearby glass containers to shatter.

Ninjago: Chaos Control (Male! Shadow! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now