Chapter 27: The Last Voyage

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The Falcon squawks as Zane, Y/N and Wu look through binoculars and spot the Dark Island.

ZANE: "Hmm, most peculiar. Yesterday there was just ocean, but now there is an island."

Y/N: "It's as I feared. That is the island Misako told us about, the Dark Island.

WU: "And what I find more peculiar is after Ninjago City was attacked by the Stone Army, today they have vanished."

ZANE: "Do you think they are on this Dark Island? Garmadon may be responsible."

WU: "I fear that too. But what's most important is we have to find out what is on that island."

Y/N: "Well, we know of something off of that island." They both turn to him, making him sigh. "Black Doom and the Black Arms, and, possibly, the Overlord."

Zane nodded in understand while Wu grimace.

WU: "If Garmadon is being helped by Black Doom and the Overlord are assisting him... then I fear for Ninjago's safety."

Zane looked over at the two, gaining an idea.

ZANE: "Perhaps my Falcon can have a look."

He sends the Falcon off, Wu, Y/N, and Zane watching it leave. Y/N looked on, knowing that the Falcon would not be getting off of that island in one piece. He's a realist, not an optimist, and with all the threats on that island... well, the Falcon was done for.


The ninja are working on the Destiny's Bounty with Rouge and Nya watching their progress.

NEO: "This won't work, I've already assessed the damage-"

They ignored him, trying to be optimistic over their situation. However, that hope was dashed as the thruster Jay was working own splashed oil onto his face.

JAY: "Ugh, useless pile of junk."

He tossed the wrench he was holding, unhappy at the situation.

NYA: "Oh, it's just as Neo stated. The rotors on the starboard booster are completely destroyed. The port boosters are shot from the strain. Oh, sorry guys. She's not getting airborne anytime soon."

NEO: "Of course I'm right. I am always right."

ROUGE: "That's you are, bud."

Neo nodded to this.

COLE: "So if the Stone Army attacks again, we're sitting ducks.."

JAY: "Uh, ducks can fly, Cole. Weren't you listening?"

KAI: "We just got our tails handed to us and only Y/N and Neo can even do any damage to them while we can't do anything! Ugh, I hate feeling helpless."

Wu, Y/N, Misako, and Zane walked down of the Bounty after hearing Kai say this.

WU: "We mustn't give up hope, Kai. While Y/N and Neo may be the only ones, any chance we have currently is hope."

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