Chapter 9: Can of Worms

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Light barely lit up the sky while Y/N was doing the final tinkering to his latest project. Lloyd whistled, coming up from behind Y/N.

LLOYD: "Hey, Y/N!"

Y/N stopped what he was doing, turning to Lloyd and smiled at him,

Y/N: "Morning, kid."

Lloyd was looking at the robot, a curious expression on his face as he tilted his head to the side adorably.

LLOYD: "What's that?"

Y/N: "Oh, this?"

He gestured to the robot.

Y/N: "This is a project I have been working on for the last few weeks. It will allow the ninja and I to search for the Serpentine faster and more efficiently."

Lloyd looks down, the guilt from releasing the Serpentine still fresh on his mind. Y/N noticed this, and ruffled his cousin's hair.

Y/N: "Don't worry about releasing the Serpentine, bud, mistakes happen. As Pops once said, "the past is the past, and the future is the future". Just work to make a better future than living in the past."

Y/N felt as if that was a little bit hypocritical coming from him, since he could never fully let the mistake of his inability to save them go. However, he didn't wish Lloyd to fall into self-loathing like he does.

LLOYD: "Thanks, Y/N."

He smiled smacking Y/N's away from his head.

Y/N: "So what do you want, kid? I doubt you came here just to say "hi"."

LLOYD: "Oh, I was wondering if you would like to prank the other Ninja with me. Uncle asked me to do it for his lesson today."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, a smirk growing on his face.

Y/N: "What do you have in mind?"


Y/N and Lloyd were playing Fist to Face 2, trying to get the high score under Cole's account. Lloyd looked at Y/N curiously.

LLOYD: "You said you never played this game before, right?"

Y/N: "That is correct."

LLOYD: "So... are you just naturally good at games?"

Y/N blinked, looking over at the screen to see that he maxed out each of the scores under Cole's account.

Y/N: "Huh?"

LLOYD: "Neat."


The next thing on their list was to screw up Cole's soup, something he had been working on for days. Lloyd chuckled, grabbing all sorts of spices and condiments to add to the soup.

Y/N: "This is morally wrong on so many levels."

Lloyd turns to Y/N, a glint of mischief in those red eyes of his.

LLOYD: "He can remake it."

Y/N shakes his head, a smile on his face as Lloyd begins to ruin the dish Cole had spent so long making.

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