Chapter 14: The Royal Blacksmith

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The chapter starts out at a pyramid, where the Serpentine are looking for the Constrctai Fangblade. Pythor suddenly stops slithering, which causes Skales to bump into him.

SKALES: "Ugh. Why musssst we sssstop if the next Fangblade is just ahead of ussss?"

Pythor looked at Scales out of the corner of his eyes. He said nothing using his staff to tap the floor which caused it to collapse.

PYTHOR: "What good is unlocking the Great Devourer with the four Fangblades, if we're not around to see it? Get the boy! And bring me Rouge!"

SKALES: "Bring the boy, Rouge!"

Rouge steps forward, dragging Lloyd with her. The Master of Crystal turned to Lloyd, taking off his chains.

LLOYD: "Oh, you're letting me go?"

Rouge giggled, but that only serve to confuse Lloyd

PYTHOR: "Heh, only to fetch, my dear boy. Do step lightly."

Pythor leads both Lloyd and Rouge to the ledge. Lloyd turns to Pythor as the Anacondrai gestured to the long tunnel.

PYTHOR: "Bring me the Fangblade, and I'll let you go."

Lloyd turned to Rouge, looking at her wings.

LLOYD: "Y-You're going to help me out?"

ROUGE: "Of course."

She picked him up much like a mother would a child. Lloyd's arms wrapping around her neck only added to that scene.

ROUGE: "Hold on tight, kid."

Rouge's wings extended before she leaped over the ledge, Lloyd screaming in fright as he tightened his hold on Rouge's neck. She quickly and efficiently went through each and every trap quickly, her wings adding onto her speed.

LLOYD: "Whoa!"

The roof above gains spikes as it begins to lower. Rouge picks up her pace, making crystals out of her hands and creating pillars to hold up the roof. After many more traps, they made it to the end of the tunnel.

LLOYD: "What a rush..."

Rouge places Lloyd down, the kid walking around in a daze and with swirls in his eyes. He shakes his head, regaining focus. Lloyd and Rouge looked at the pedestal that should have the Fangblade, but it was missing.

ROUGE: "Damn, it's not here...!"

Lloyd turns back to the way they both came in.

LLOYD: "It's gone!"


Pythor and scales awaited the news of them successfully obtaining the Fangblade. However, they gained annoyed expressions until they heard Lloyd's voice.

LLOYD: "It's gone!"

A beat passes until Pythor snarls in outrage.

PYTHOR: "It's gone!?"

SKALES: "Where issss it?"

LLOYD: "Do I still get to be freed?"


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