Chapter 31: Rise of the Spinjitzu Master - The Warrior of Golden Light

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A/N: Season two finale people! Hope you're ready for the moment you've all probably been waiting for!

Ninjago City was quiet. Ominously quiet as the streets were barren, no citizens walking down the side of the road, no traffic from the oncoming cars, just silence as the wind blew. Above, dark clouds slowly began to cover the bright blue sky. However, if you looked slight, the blue was slowly fading into a blood red. In Dareth's dojo, the man kicked a now tied up Kozu out it's doors with the other Citizens following. Dareth looks up, noticing the swirling clouds as pillars of smoke drag electricity into the smoky vortex.

DARETH: "Heh, I told you they'd do it."

The others looked up, seeing the clouds as well. Red lightning flashed in them, the ominous wind beginning to howl.

EDNA: "Oh, is it the ninja?"

LOU: "It must be."

MAN: "The ninja have won?"

LOU: "Haha, we're saved!"

Brad huffs, crossing his arms over his chest with a scowl.

BRAD: "About time."

LOU: "Now to get this place back in order."

They all had smiles, but Kozu began to chuckle darkly, making everyone look at the Stone Army General with obvious confusion. A bright red light comes from the vortex in the sky, the red lightning becoming even more apparent.

DARETH: "What the..."

A bright red beam shoots from the sky, blinding everyone. When the light died down, they looked at where the light originated from, hoping to see the ninja. However, what awaited them was none other than the Garmatron, slowly driving across the road. Behind it, the Stone Army and the Black Arms marched.

DARETH: "What is that?"

The citizens looked at the pilot of the Garmatron and saw the Overlord. That wasn't what scared them, though, for hovering above the machine was Black Doom.

BLACK DOOM: "Hello, mortals. Allow us to introduce ourselves, I am Black Doom, and this is my good friend, the Overlord. We're here to take over your little world and make it ours. I hope you don't mind."

LOU: "A- a - a monster!"

The citizens scream and run away from the warlords, making Black Doom laugh even louder.

BLACK DOOM: "Look at them, running away like little ants!"

The Overlord chuckled as well.

OVERLORD: "Yes... but it appears one of them doesn't understand the danger he is in..."

The Garmatron comes to a stop as the two ancient beings stare at the only human that didn't run away. The human in question was Dareth.

BLACK DOOM: "Oh, this should be good."

Dareth swallows down the growing nervousness he was feeling in front of the clearly malevolent beings. He glared at them, remembering his promise to the ninja.

DARETH: "Oh. All right. You will have until the count of three to leave here before I unleash the power of one, hee-yah! The dragon."

He flaps his arms like wings. The warlords turned to one another, confused as the man made himself look like a complete and utter moron.

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