Day 1: "who's she?"

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"Nataya! Get up you have school!" my mom yelled from downstairs. I groaned and slowly
made my way out of my bed.
After I got dressed, I headed out to walk to school, " damnit why couldn't my mom drive me to this damn high school " I mumbled.

I could admit to myself I was scared that people would judge me as soon as I stepped in the hallway , just thinking about it made me want to walk back home. I made it to the school and slowly walked in. There were a lot of people in the school surprisingly. But what was weird was not many people noticed me when I walked through the hallway, I was so relieved.. I don't like too much attention on myself.

I checked my phone to see what time it was, it read "7:38" I had about 30 minutes to go to class so I made my way to find the bathroom and fix myself up.

I walked into the empty bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my curly brown hair. As I was fixing myself up I saw two guys walk into the bathroom.

I quickly turned around, "What the fuck are you doi-" One of the guys quickly covered my mouth and said;" aww babe don't be scared we just want to introduce ourselves."

The other guy held me against the wall , slowly sniffing my hair. I started to cry, and tried to get free but it was no use.

A girl with short brown hair walked in and said "get your ass off of her!!" they quickly ran out of the bathroom.

I slumped to the floor with my face in my hands. The girl sat next to me and held me in her arms. For some reason I had this feeling inside me that just made me stop crying.

I looked at her and said "thank you so much.", "no problem, I'm so sorry that happened to you, why didn't you fight them?" she asked, "you really think I wanted that to happen ? I was almost dislocating my fucking shoulder trying to get free." I said,

"okay, calm down .. My name is Shereen , stay by me and I promise this won't happen anymore.. half of the time you can't be in this school by yourself ,  people are creepy in here, mostly the guys though." she said.

" we should get to class now though."I said "you're right" she said standing up, she reached out for my hand and I grabbed her hand and got up.

"She's beautiful, strong, and smart as hell. Its something about her that just makes me so happy... I want to get to know her."

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