Chapter 6

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First, I hope you guys are liking the book so far, and please tell me what you think! Second, thanks to dcw34_ and peaunutbutterjelly for all of their support throughout these first few chapters! God bless you all and I love you guys!
I awake with the grass tickling the side of my face. My eyes open and reveal Twi looking down on me. To my right, I can still see the dying flames of the burnt house off in the distance.

"Hey, you alright?" Twi asks.

"Yeah, I think so," I reply and sit up.

"Good," she says,"then WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" she screams and hits my head.

"Ow! Hey! What was that for?!"

"You almost died! If it wasn't for Ligero here," she gestures to Ligero who is sitting in the grass not far away,"then you would've been burnt to a crisp! Not to mention, you can't handle being that close to fire or the temperature, you know that!"

"Look, I'm sorry, but I couldn't of just watched and let that girl die."

She is quiet after that and just looks at me with realization. "I'm sorry. God is happy that you saved her life and I am too, just promise you won't do anything stupid and crazy again?"

"Okay, I promise."

"Good, now I think you owe a thank you to Ligero over there."

I stand up and walk over to where Ligero is and sit down beside him in the grass. He notices me but says nothing.

"Thank you." I say and he looks at me.

"Don't ever do that again. There may only be three shape-shifters left, possibly four, we don't need to lower the number."

"Okay. I was expecting a your welcome, but that works too." We laugh and then the air went into silence.

Twi walks up to us,"Hey, Rorath is right over there we might want to head out."

"Right." Ligero and I stand up and follow Twi out of the trees and onto the road.

We walk for a few minutes before we begin to notice the giant wall and gate that opens into Rorath.

We also notice the several of the Guard at the entrance and stop. We didn't think past this point. As they look towards us, we quickly dive into the trees on our left.

"What do we do?" Twi asked.

I strained to look up the enormous wall that might house another of our kind. 'Come on, think, think, think.'

"Can't Glace just make ice stairs up the wall?" Ligero asked.

"Too noticeable. If I did that, then we would be too busy running from the Guard we wouldn't be able to find the other shape-shifter, or he would just leave because of the Guard." I replied and Ligero nodded.

"We could sneak past the Guard." Twi suggested.

"How would we do that?" Ligero asked.

Twi created some shadows in he hand and Ligero got the hint.
'This had better work, Twi!' I said to her through the connection.

'Have my plans ever failed?'


'Well, this time they won't. Just trust me.'

'God help us all.'

I shifted into my white fox and slowly walked out onto the road. The Guard noticed me and called out to me. When I stopped, they began running towards me. Out of nowhere, Ligero jumped out of a nearby tree and knocked both of them out.

I shifted back. "Thanks."

"Your welcome."

The other two Guard noticed and Twi was right on time with her shadows. They appeared and went away, revealing Twi and two knocked out Guard.

"Great. Now how do we get the gate open?" I asked.

"Maybe by that huge gear over there?" Ligero suggested, pointing to the right.


Once the gate was open, we ran in before anyone outside noticed the commotion. We charged inside and slowed to a stop once we were in. No one was there, it was almost a ghost town.

"Where is everyone?" Ligero spoke up.

"This is a little unsettling." Twi said.

"Let's get going. And be careful, I have a bad feeling about this." I responded and started walking into the town with Twi and Ligero following behind me.

It was a few minutes before we heard a commotion of in the distance. It sounded like a riot. Without hesitating, all three of us took off in the same direction.

We stopped and froze as we saw the scene before us. There was another shape-shifter like us on the stage with a noose around his neck.

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