Chapter 7

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I can't even think with what sight was in front of me. Within seconds, I was charging through the crowd to prevent the worse with Twi and Ligero trailing behind me. People were stunned for only a second before someone yelled,"Get them!"

People started attacking us from everywhere and we were to busy fending them off to reach the other shape-shifter.

Suddenly Twi, Ligero and I all heard a sound like ropes tearing and quickly turned to look. The other shape-shifter had burned the ropes and was fending off the other townsfolk.

'Come on! Follow me!' I heard a voice in my head. I was stunned, but then figured out it was the other shape-shifter. I looked to Ligero and Twi and they nodded, so we followed.
It was Twi, Ligero, the other shape-shifter and I on the rooftops, still running from the townsfolk.

"Any idea what you did to make these people so mad?!" I yelled at the other shape-shifter over the angry mobs below us.

"Nothing! I only strolled into town,"

I cut him off," 'strolled' in?"

He looked at me,"Okay, barged in, but they tied me up and next thing I knew I had a noose around my neck!"

"Never mind that, let's just focus on getting out of here alive!" Ligero yelled.

"He's right! We just need to focus on getting ourselves out of this before they get to us!" Twi yelled.

"My only concern is getting up that ginormous wall!" They all looked ahead of us to the wall that blocked our way to freedom.

"Glace! You want to do the honors?!"
We stopped on top of a building in front of the massive wall and I stepped forward. I breathed in, pulled my hands back, and breathed out letting my hands go. I've swirled all around formed a staircase all the way to the top.

"So, ice?" The other shape-shifter asked.

I looked at him," Yeah, ice and water."

"Charge!" A man behind us yelled and a whole army of townsfolk ran behind him.

"Are you serious?! Run!" The other shape-shifter yelled and we all trailed behind him up the icy staircase. I looked behind be us and the townsfolk were about to climb up, but I quickly began turning the stairs behind us into snowflakes.

"You're all monsters! We will find you!" The man yelled behind us.

I know I shouldn't listen to him, but those words still stung like a punch in the stomach. I was lost in my thoughts when an arm dragged me back and I saw why. I had almost fallen off of the cliff.

"Easy there, you okay?" The arm was the other shape-shifter's and he pulled me back.

I looked at him,"Yes...yes thank you."

He seemed uneasy, but still let me go. The angry shouts of Rorath could still be heard from atop the high wall and as I looked down, I could see only fury and a fire for vengeance in each one's eyes.

I looked back in front of me, for I had to focus on my friends and I making it out alive.

"Well then, are you okay with a spiral slide?" I asked the others.

"I'm fine." "Sounds okay." "Sure." were the answers I received.

I nodded and looked down the ginormous wall. I focused all of my energy God has blessed me with into my hands and then released it down the wall.

The ice collected together, like before, forming a slippery, spiral slide down the entire wall. Once it was complete, I looked back to my friends and waited for someone to make the first move.

"I'll go first," Twi said and stepped up the the ice. She put her right foot forward, grabbed hold of the railings, then threw herself down the slide.

All of us could hear her screams of joy as she slid down until she reached the end.

"Why don't I give it a shot?" Ligero said and stepped up to where Twi had been. He followed her steps and within seconds, he too was headed down the slide.

I looked down below and saw both Twi and Ligero look up at me, showing me it was safe for someone else to go.

I turned to the shape-shifter we had "rescued", expecting for him to volunteer but he just stood there in complete silence, staring down the icy slide in fear.

"Are you alright?" I asking consolingly to him.

He snapped out of his thoughts and he looked a bit more pale than I had thought before. "Uh, why don't you go next? I will, uh, I will go last." His tone was uneasy and nervous.

"Are you afraid of heights?" I asked.

"No, it's just....well. Your element and mine don't really mix," he replied.

"What do you mean by that?"

He brought his right hand up, balled into a fist, and opened it up. When he did, a ball of fire was in his hand. That must have been why he didn't want to go down the slide.

"I understand now. You can't stand cold temperatures for too long,"

He finished my sentence,"just how you can't stand hot temperatures for too long."

"Okay, I can go next and," I thought for a second,"you can go last, but when you go you can warm yourself as hot as you want so it won't matter if the slide melts."

"I can try. But, for your safety, if I start to warm myself up when I get down there, you might want to back away." I could see the sincerity in his hazel eyes. The small breeze ruffled his orange hair and orange tiger features.

I felt like a piece of me tore away when he said that. Of course, I promised Twi and Ligero that I would keep myself away from dangerous situations, like getting to hot, but this a person. If he's in danger I want to be close to see if he's okay. I let out a sigh,"Alright, I'll only stay far enough away so that I won't be hurt."

We both smiled, then I turned towards the slide, and I hurled down it.

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