Chapter 12

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I can't stand waiting. That's all we have been doing is waiting. We removed the bullet and my ice was able to stop the bleeding but Twi still hasn't woken up. I pace back and forth in the dirt of the forest, causing my feet to dig a straight line in it.

After we escaped last night and helped and prayed over Twi we haven't been doing anything. We settled in the forest and I made an ice bed for her to lay on. That was hours ago.

Agag stands up and places his hand on my shoulder. "Calm down. We've prayed over her, removed the bullet, and stopped the bleeding. She should be fine."

"Yeah, 'should be'," I reply anxiously.

"I understand why you're worried, we all are, but pacing back and forth is only going to make you, along with us, even more anxious."

I sigh at his words and sit down on the ground as we wait for Twi to wake up.
"It's nighttime," Agag says,"We should get some rest. I'll take watch-"

I cut him off,"I'll take watch. It's not like I will be able to sleep anyways."

Ligero keeps staring at Twi with worry covering his face like a veil. Agag gives me the same kind of look.

I shrug him off and sit down on the ground against a tree.

Ligero lies down and Agag does the same, but I can tell his eyes are on me.

After a while, Ligero is asleep but Agag gets up and sits down on the opposite end of the tree. I already know what he is going to ask.

"Are you-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Okay? No. I'm far from it," I say kind of harshly, which I immediately regret,"Agag, I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize. You're friend was shot and basically looked death in the eye, I just want to make you feel better. The problem is, in this situation, I don't know how to do that."

"You're already doing it," I say and hear him shift behind me,"just being there, helping us escape, praying with us. Thank you."

"It's what God want me to do, I'll do it," he pauses for a minute,"Glace?"

I look at him,"Yes?"

"You remember how you said you had a dream about a memory but you couldn't recall anything from that moment in your life?"

I think back for a second,"Yes. Why?"

"I had the same kind of dream that same night, I just didn't want to say. I can't remember anything from that day and it has been driving me crazy all day."

We look at each other and I shrug,"I don't know what to tell you. Maybe the memories are connected somehow? I-I don't know."

He stops and then opens his mouth to say something, until we heard Twi groan. My head quickly turns and looks in her direction.

Ligero is already up and looks to see if she is okay. I get up and Agag follows me over.

Twi's eyes are open slightly, but they're open, and she's awake.

Ligero speaks up first,"How are you feeling?"

She breaths in a little bit before sitting up,"Better, thank The Lord!"

"Amen!" I yell as I give her a hug.

"Ag! Careful! Got shot!"

"Oh, right," I say and let go of her.

Agag says something,"I told you she would be okay. God has His hand on her."

I look at him and smile,"He most certainly is."
My eyes pop open and again, I am sweating so I cover myself in frost. I bury my face in my hands and think about what just happened. 'Why am I having the same dream?'

The same dream from the night we were kidnapped repeated itself in the exact same context. I hear some rustling in front of me and look up to see Agag walking through the bushes.

He stops when he sees me."Why are you up," he asks.

"I had the same dream that I told you about," I say.

His face twists in confusion,"Really?"

"Yeah," I reply,"Why are you awake?"

He freezes for a moment, then looks at me. His eyes are filled with concern and guilt.

I stand up and walk over to him. "Agag, something is wrong with you. What is it?"

He shifts uneasily,"I don't think you want to know."

I place my hand on his shoulder. "Agag, ever since we made it out of that jail you have been on edge. You're acting different. Please tell me what is wrong."

His shoulders tense up, but then soften. "How am I supposed to tell you?"

"You can tell me however-"

He cut me off,"How am I supposed to tell you that I am the reason you guys were locked up and in pain?" A tear slipped down his cheek as he spoke.

"What do you mean?"

He runs a hand through his hair and his breathing becomes jagged. "Do you remember what I said abut my past with my parents?"

I simply nod out of shock with what he is telling me.

"It goes farther than that. When I was 12, a man found me on the streets and said he could give me a home. I was so excited someone would finally accept me. Turns out all he would do was use me as a pawn and a test subject. That 'cure' as they call it, they came up with? That was because of me. Because of my blood samples, my DNA, anything they could get off of me. They have been using me as a puppet my whole life to lure you and Twi to their jail."

He is at the point of breaking down, and looks to me for a response. I am in such a state of shock that I don't know what to say. Instead, I start crying.

He must be shocked, because he doesn't do anything for a second before wrapping his arms around me.

"Why are you crying," he asks.

"Why are you blaming yourself? It's them who is doing this to you."

He begins to shake at my words. "How can you forgive me so quickly and even feel sad for me?"

I shrug,"God says we should."

"Thank you," was all he had left to say.

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