Chapter 10

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"Glace! Glace!" A distant voice struggled to wake me up until I finally opened my eyes.

Agag was standing over me, along with Twi. "Hey?" I said in a questioning way.

"Come on, we need to get out of here! Quickly!" Agag whispered.

"Why? What's wrong-"

I was cut off by Ligero running up to us, panting. I looked to Twi for an explanation.

"The Guard, they have  found us," she said, her voice filled with worry.

"Is there anyway out?" I asked and sat up.

"No," Ligero spoke up,"No, they have us surrounded. Dozens of them. They are going to storm here at any given moment."

A rustle in the bushes broke our conversation. Twi crept towards the noise. "Hello?" she called out.

The rustling noise became louder and louder. We kept expecting the worse to happen.

A dog, one of the Guard's jumped out at us. Twi ducked, causing the dog to land on top of Agag. The two wrestled before I threw the dog off of him. Where the dog landed, two Guard popped out of the bushes and shot a dart at Ligero, knocking him out.

"No!" I screamed just as the second one shot, aiming at Agag.

It never hit him. Just as he fired, I jumped in from of him and everything went black.
My head was pounding as I slowly tried to sit up, my whole body ached and my vision was blurry.

I took note of my surroundings and realized I was in a stone cell with iron bars keeping me in. On the outside it was black and I couldn't see anything. I next figured out my hands were chained to the floor.

'Twi-' I began to try and connect to Twi, only to be interrupted by a loud ring in my ears and a sting in my head. I squinted my eyes shut and held my hands against my ears until the pain disappeared.

An idea popped into my still aching head and I tried to use my frost on the chains so I could break them, but when I tried a shock went throughout my entire body from my wrist.

I was exhausted and beaten down, but I had to try and find the others. Suddenly, I heard a chuckle from the other side of the bars and I turned my head to look only to see a man dressed in all black and had on a black fedora.

"It's so amusing to see your kind struggle. Considering all the struggle you caused us," he said with amusement dripping in his voice.

I scrunched my brow in confusion as he opened the door to my cell, and walked in. "What do you mean? We did nothing to you," I stated softly.

When he had reached me, the back of his hand collided with my cheek. The sting didn't help my headache at all, either. "Liar," he darkly argued.

I didn't do anything, other than glare daggers at the man before me. "Where are my friends?" I spat.

He chuckled,"Back where we left them, in the oasis. Other than that dark haired panther girlof course, we had to take her with us, per the boss' orders."

"Why us? What about the others? Did you do something to them?" At the thought, I tried to retaliate and escape, but the chains held me down.

"Why would I answer that? See, you haven't realized who exactly has the advantage here. Your chained to a floor, in a stone cell, powerless, and you don't have the key to get out." He jerked my chin to look up at him as he stood up and I grunted in pain. I noticed he had raven black hair, was around 6'2 and had deep green eyes. He looked around 50 years old.

"Face it. There's nothing you can do."

I struggled to release myself again and he laughed at me, then he left. My heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn't breath normally.

'Please God! Let everyone be okay!' I prayed to God.

What was I to do? I'm was hopeless in this situation. God help us all...

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