Here you go here is the Scottish Gaelic version of the song: Dè tha a' cur cuideam air do nèamh, a charaid sean?
Tha mi a' guidhe ort roinn a' bhuaidh
Ma bha thu an duine a mharbh an t-angel
Carson nach leig thu le do neart a bhith eòlach?
Bha mi an-còmhnaidh a' smaoineachadh
Gu robh mi a' cumail fuil air mo chluasan
Ach nuair a dh'ionnsaich an rud sin
B' fheudar dhomh freagairt
Gus a dhol thar an loidhne agus a chumail sàbhailte
Ach ma bha duine sam bith eòlach
Bhiodh a h-uile nì a' dol gu cogaidh
Agus cò tha ri ràdh cò a dh'fhuiricheas ann an catha?
Dh'fhaodadh mi a bhith a' call na daoine a bha mi a' mharbhadh airson
Mar sin
Bidh mi nad cho-aimsireach
Dèan sam bith a tha a' freagairt
Bidh mi a' dèanamh na mearachdan
Bidh mi gad chumail sàbhailte agus cumail an dìomhaireachd seo
Nuair a chunnaic mi do chluasan
Dh' fhag thu mi a' faireachdainn mar dhuine neo-eòlach ann an àite ùr
Agus bha e a' faireachdainn cho math a bhith air a thuigsinn
Ach tha tòrr tha mi ag iarraidh a ràdh
Mar sin
Bidh mi nad armachd
Dèan sam bith a tha a' freagairt
Bidh mi a' dèanamh na mearachdan
Bidh mi a' caitheamh mo bheatha a' bhith nad chompanach
Agus chan eil fhios agam dè a dh'fhaodadh sinn a choimhead
Ach tha fios agam nach urrainn dhomh do dh'atharrachadh mar sin
Dèanidh mi dad sam bith gus do shàbhaladh
Agus feuchaidh mi ri do dhreuchd a dhèanamh fìor
Ge bith dè a thèid sinn troimhe
Tha fios agam
Bidh mi nad cho-aimsireach (bidh mi nad armachd)
Ge bith dè a tha a' freagairt
Bidh mi a' dèanamh na mearachdan (bidh mi a' dèanamh na mearachdan)
Ge bith dè a tha a' freagairthere is the original : What weighs on your soul old friend?
I implore you to share the load
If it was thou who slew the angel
Why not let your strength be known?
I always thought
That I would keep blood off my face
But when that thing attacked
I had to act
To cross that line and keep them safe
But if anyone knew
Then all of Hell would rise to war
And who's to say who'd survive the fray?
I might lose the ones that I was killing for
So I
I'll be your keeper
Do whatever it takes
I'll make the mistakes
I'll keep you safe and keep this secret
When I saw your face
You made me feel like a stranger in a brand new place
And it felt so good to be understood
But there's so much I wished that I could say
So I
I'll be your armor
Do whatever it takes
I'll make the mistakes
I'll spend my life being your partner
And I don't know what we might face
But I know I can't replace you so
I'll do anything to save you
And I will try to make your dreams come true
Whatever we go through
I know I
I'll be your keeper (I'll be your armor)
Whatever it takes
I'll make the mistakes (I'll make the mistakes)
Whatever it takesBy the way, there's actually not an official version of the songs in the language, but I just decided to do the research and put them in my stories anyway because I'm proud of learning this language because it's part of my culture and I grew up in Scotland
Translating hazbin song into Scottish Gaelic
ParanormalBasically, I've seen so many different versions of of the songs from the show but I want to share something with youse because fun fact one of the languages that I learn in School is Scottish Gaelic and I want to share some translations with your fo...