Scottish Gaelic version of this song: Is fheàrr dhut beagan spèis a nochdadh! Thoir sùil air do ghiùlan, chan eil duine a' bruidhinn ri Zestial san dòigh sin! An robh dùil agad gun suidh sinn air ais Agus gabh an taisbeanadh neo-thruacanta, umha agad? Tha e toinnte dhut Chan e mise am fear a dh' fheumas sealladh ùr Is dòcha gun do chaill thu e, ach is mise an #Bitch sin Agus cha dèan mi dad nas lugha na na tha mi toilichte, woo! Is mise cnàimh-droma na Vees An cuala mi gun do rinn mi spèis? Uill, tha e air sgàth 's nach b' urrainn dha duine spèis a thoirt dha seo Duilich buidheann a' frithealadh' Bho cuin a tha cus eagal air uachdaran sabaid? Tha thu fada seachad air trendin' Duilich, bae, ach chan eil mi a 'sguabadh ceart Chaill thu do bhuntanas Chan urrainn dhuinn a dhol an gnìomh gun tuilleadh fiosrachaidh Och, chan iongnadh gu bheil mi cho gun spèis B' urrainn dhomh tòrr ithe airson bracaist Tha thu fhèin agus na Vees mì-chinnteach agus neo-fhiosraichte Smug wannabes, nach toir aire nuair a gheibh thu rabhadh Oich! An do bhuail mi neoni? 'Adhbhar nuair a thug mi a-mach ceann an aingeal Cha b' urrainn cuideachadh ach coimhead Gu robh d' aghaidh rùisgte a' tionndadh dearg Agus carson a tha thu a' seachnadh cogadh? Sin carson a tha na gunnaichean a reic thu Mòran taing airson mo bhith gun spèis Is e aon rud a tha mi a' tòiseachadh a bhith fo amharas Tha fios agad carson a tha an t-aingeal seo gun cheann A bheil foillseachadh agad? Tha a' choinneamh seo seachad!
Here is the original : You better show some respect!
Check your behavior, no one speaks to Zestial that way!
Did you expect us to sit back
And take your insolent, brazen display?
You've got it twisted
I'm not the one who needs a new attitude
Maybe you missed it, but I'm that #Bitch
And I will do nothing less than what I please, woo!
I'm the backbone of the Vees
Mad that I acted respectless?
Well, it's 'cause no one could respect this
Sorry group attendin'
Since when are overlords too scared to fight?
You're long past trendin'
Sorry, bae, but I ain't swipin' right
You lost your relevance
We can't act without more intelligence
Ugh, no wonder I'm so respectless
I could eat you lot for breakfast
You and the Vees are inane and uninformed
Smug wannabes, who don't heed when you've been warned
Oops! Did I strike a nerve?
'Cause when I brought out the angel's head
Couldn't help but observe
That your wrinkled face was turning red
And why are you avoidin' war?
That's what the guns you sell are for
Thanks to my being respectless
One thing I'm starting to suspect is
You know why this angel's headless
Do you have a disclosure?
This meeting's over!
Translating hazbin song into Scottish Gaelic
ParanormalBasically, I've seen so many different versions of of the songs from the show but I want to share something with youse because fun fact one of the languages that I learn in School is Scottish Gaelic and I want to share some translations with your fo...