Part 3: out for love= a-mach airson gaol

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Here is the Scottish garlic version of the Song: Tha mi a' faicinn gu bheil thu air do stiùireadh leis an gràin a th' agad
Tha do cheum air a stobadh le animus
Feumaidh tu seòrsa eile de bhrosnachadh
No chan eil dòigh ann air seo a làimhseachadh
Tha fios agam gu bheil am pathadh ort airson dìoghaltas, Vaggie
Tha thu a-muigh airson fuil
Ach cha bhith cothrom agad ach ma tha thu a-muigh airson gaol
A-mach airson gaol, gaol
Smaoinich air cò dha a tha dragh ort, dìon 'em and be
A-mach airson gaol, gaol
Bidh thu a' sabaid gun mhiotagan, fhad 's a tha thu a-muigh airson gaol
Cruthaich thu fhèin le eagal losin'
An cuideigin sin a tha na adhbhar dhut a bhith beò
Harn ⁇ ss do chridhe, agus chan urrainn dhut cuideachadh le bhith a' taghadh'
Gus sabaid leis a h-uile rud as urrainn dhut a thoirt seachad
Tha fios agam gu bheil thu ⁇ tart ann airson dìoghaltas, Vaggie
Tha thu a-muigh airson fuil
Ach cha bhith cothrom agad ach ma tha thu a-muigh airson gaol
A-mach airson gaol, gaol
Smaoinich air cò dha a tha dragh ort, dìon 'em and be
A-mach airson gaol, gaol
Bidh thu a' sabaid gun mhiotagan
Agus nuair a thig am putadh sin gu shove
Yeah, is dòcha gun èirich thu gu h-àrd, fhad 's a tha thu a-muigh airson gaol

Here's the original version of the song : I see you're driven by your detestation
Your every step is stoked with animus
You need a different type of motivation
Or there's no way that you can handle this
I know you're thirstin' for vengeance, Vaggie
You're out for blood
But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love
Out for love, love
Think of who you care about, protect 'em and be
Out for love, love
You're gonna fight without gloves, long as you're out for love
Fuel yourself with the fear of losin'
That somebody who's your reason to live
Harnеss your heart, and you can't help choosin'
To fight with all you can give
I know you'rе thirstin' for vengeance, Vaggie
You're out for blood
But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love
Out for love, love
Think of who you care about, protect 'em and be
Out for love, love
You're gonna fight without gloves
And when that push comes to shove
Yeah, you just might rise above, long as you're out for love

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