Part 16: the show must go on-feumaidh an taisbeanadh a dhol air adhart

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Here is the Scottish version of this song: Rinn e dhuinn e,
an ìobairt dheireannach.
Thug e earbsa dhomh
Agus seall mar a phàigheas sinn a' phrìs
Dh' fhaodadh an dòrtadh fala seo a bhith air a sheachnadh,
ma thug mi dearbhadh do nèamh a bhith ag obair còmhla
Ghabh mi taigh-òsta agus sgrios mi e
Tha fios agam gum b' urrainn dhomh a bhith air dèanamh na b' fheàrr, na b' fheàrr
An àite do leigeil sìos

Thig air a' bhean bhig, carson a tha an frown
anns na 10 000 bliadhna mu dheireadh
is tusa a' chiad fhear a dh'atharraich am baile seo!
Faodaidh tu seo a dhèanamh, a-nis tha fios agam air!
Oir tha do sgeulachd dìreach air tòiseachadh
Chan urrainn dhut sgur a-nis, ifrinn tha fiachan agad air!
Tha milleadh fhathast ri dhèanamh
Tha thu air m' inntinn atharrachadh
Tha thu air suathadh ri an cridheachan
Fhuair mi am math anns na h-anaman air a dhol dona
Tha an àrd-ùrlar air a sgrios, tha an sluagh air falbh
An taisbeanadh feumaidh e a dhol ooooon!

Is urrainn dhuinn seo a dhèanamh, is urrainn dhuinn a thogail
An taigh-òsta as fheàrr a chunnaic thu a-riamh
Dà uair anns na seòmraichean-cadail, is urrainn dhuinn a lìonadh
le barrachd pheacaich na dh'fhaodas tu bruadar
Bidh e a' tòiseachadh leat, tha fios agad gu bheil e fìor
dèan an dàn dhut

Cho fad 's a tha thu uile còmhla rium

Gus taigh-òsta a thogail
Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil feum againn air beagan breige is fiodh

Rud math a tha sinn ann an ifrinn
Gabh suas an àireamh bheag draoidheachd seo!

Tòisich le bunait
Cruthachadh leigheasach dhomh

Tha e cho furasta 's as urrainn a bhith

Chan eil ùine ann airson caoineadh
fhuair sinn tòrr obair ri dhèanamh agus
feumaidh sinn feuchainn ris an
as fheàrr de na tha na thobhta

Còta peant ùr!

Solais ùra thairis air a' phàillean
le beagan draoidheachd!

Às deidh a 'bhlàir, crodh gun mhaighstir
Uachdaran crochte le snàithlean
le beagan bravado is dòcha a-màireach
bidh sinn aig mullach a' charn

Fhad 's a tha an còrr de ifrinn a' pissing
Alastor a dhìth
theich e le earball eadar a chasan
tha gràin aig nàdar air falamh cumhachd
Tha sin a' fàgail rùm dhut fhèin agus dhòmhsa
Buinidh àm ri teachd ifrinn dha na vees

Tha an t-àite seo ag ath-aithris a 'bhàis
tha fuachd anns an adhar
Agus is gann gun do theich mi
a bhith air a mharbhadh le falt
Alastor mòr, altruist,
bhàsaich e dha charaidean
Duilich a bhith briseadh-dùil nach eil
far a bheil seo a 'crìochnachadh
Tha an t-acras orm airson saorsa mar nach robh riamh roimhe
Cuingeachaidhean mo chùmhnant
gu cinnteach tha cùl-raon agad
Aon uair 's gu bheil mi a' faighinn a-mach mar a dh'fhuasglas mi mo sgiathan
Dèan tomhas cò a bhios a' tarraing
a h-uile strì! Hahahahahahaha

Faodaidh sinn seo a dhèanamh (Is urrainn dhuinn seo a dhèanamh )
Bidh sinn nas fheàrr (Bidh sinn nas fheàrr )
Ged a dh' fhaodadh saoradh greis a thoirt
(O faodaidh e greis a thoirt )
Peacaich sligheach, glan an leabhar-cunntais

Agus tha sinn ga dhèanamh le gàire (Yay)

Mar sin nì sinn diofar
Fuirich agus faic
Tha sinn a' dol a dhèanamh seo thu fhèin agus mise
Agus an uairsin a-màireach bidh e
latha sona ann an heeeeeeell!

Here's the original version of the song : He did it for us,
the ultimate sacrifice.
He gave me his trust
And look how we pay the price
This bloodshed could have been avoided,
if I convinced heaven to work together
I took a hotel and I destroyed it
I know I could have done better, better
Instead of letting you down

Come on little lady, why the frown
in the last 10 000 years
youre the first one to change this town!
You can do this, now I know it!
For your story has just begun
You can't quit now, hell you owe it!
There's still damage to be undone
You've changed my mind
You've touched their hearts,
Found the good in souls gone bad
The stage is wrecked, the crowd is gone
The show it must go ooooon!

We can do this, we can build it
Best hotel that you've ever seen
Twice the bedrooms, we can fill it
with more sinners than you can dream
It starts with you, you know it's true
fulfill your destiny

So long as I've got all of you with me

To build a hotel
I think we need some brick and lumber

Good thing we're in hell
Take up this little magic number!

Start with foundation
A remedial creation for me

It's as easy as can be

No time for crying
we got a lot of work to do and
we gotta try and make the
best of what's in ruins

New coat of paint!

New lights across the marquee
with a little sorcery!

After the battle, masterless cattle
Overlords hanging by a thread
with a bit of bravado maybe tomorrow
we'll be atop the heap

While the rest of hell's pissing
Alastor's missing
fled with his tail between his legs
nature abhors a power vacuum
That leaves room for you and me
The future of hell belong to the vees

This place reeks of death
there's a chill in the air
And I barely escaped
being killed by a hair
Great alastor, altruist,
died for his friends
Sorry to disappoint that is not
where this ends
I'm hungry for freedom like never before
The constraints of my deal
surely have a backdoor
Once I figure out how to unclip my wings
Guess who will be pulling
all the striiiings! Hahahahahaha

We can do this ( We can do this )
We'll be better ( We'll be better )
Though redemption may take a while
(Oh it may take a while )
Wayward sinners, clear their ledger

And we're doing it with a smile (Yay)

So we'll make a difference
Wait and see
We're gonna do this you and me
And then tomorrow it will be
a fucking happy day in heeeeeeeell!

Finally, I got all the songs translated into Scottish Gaelic. I hope you enjoy if you read it don't worry it's never going to actually become official. It's just I did some research for the past half an hour and it's been pretty fun.

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