Here is the Scottish version of the song: Haha Tha e coltach gum b' urrainn dhut beagan cuideachaidh a chleachdadh O cheannard mòr Ifrinn fèin Thoir sùil air lèirmheasan sgoinneil daddy air Yelp (Còig rionnagan! Gun smal! Nas motha na sgoinneil!) O, le punch pentagram I wap-bam-boom, alakazam Mar as trice, bidh mi a' cur cosgais air uan ìobairteach Ach gheibh thu ìre an teaghlaich (taing dha athair!) Cò a dh'fheumas gille-bus, a-nis gu bheil an còcaire agad? (wow) Clàr-bìdh Michelin, saor à la carte Rigaidh mi an geama dhut oir is mise an ref fuarain champagne, beanntan caviar, sin dìreach toiseach tòiseachaidh! Cò tha air a bhith an seo bhon chiad latha? Cò a bha dìleas mar chailleachan-dubha? Cò a bheir ort gàire a dhèanamh le punnd seann-ùine? An riochdaire gnìomhach agad? (Tha sin fìor!) Is mise do ghille, do latha gu latha Do charaid, do fhear-taighe seasmhach Cuimhnich nuair a shuidhich mi an cloc sin an-diugh? Bha mi glaiste, tapadh leat sir! (O thu!) Tha e na urram mòr dhomh gu bheil sinn air a leithid de cheangal a thogail (aw) Tha thu mar an leanabh a bu mhath leam a bhith agam (uh, dè?) Tha cùram agam dhut, dìreach mar nighean a shìolaich mi (cùm a-nis!) Tha e rud beag èibhinn, cha mhòr nach b' urrainn dhut dad a ghairm dhomh Tha iad ag ràdh, nuair a tha thu a 'coimhead airson cuideachadh Tha e ciallach an t-slighe leis an strì as lugha a thaghadh Tha cuid eile ag ràdh, gur ann an uair an fheumaich a tha thu Chan eil àite ann airson cumhachd fìor aingil! Cò dìreach a thachras a bhith nad fhuil cuideachd! Gu mì-fhortanach, tha amannan ann gu bheil pàrant breith na ghille Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil an teaghlach a thaghas tu nas fheàrr (dè an dòrlach de luchd-call) An urrainn dhut a dhol a-mach às an òran agam? (An t-òran agad? Thòisich mi seo!) Tha mi ga sheinn, cuiridh mi crìoch air! (Oh, tha thu a' faighinn pìos snog de –) Is e mise, tha, is mise Tha fios agam gu robh thu uile a' feitheamh rium Tha mi an seo, dè gas Thug e greis, ach tha mi an làthair mu dheireadh Is e mise, is mise Mimsaidh!
Here is the original version of the song : Haha
Looks like you could use some help
From the big boss of Hell himself
Check out daddy's glowing reviews on Yelp
(Five stars! Flawless! Greater than great!)
Oh, with the punch of a pentagram
I wap-bam-boom, alakazam
Usually, I charge a sacrificial lamb
But you get the family rate (thanks dad!)
Who needs a busboy, now that you've got the chef? (wow)
Michelin-tasting menu, free à la carte
I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref
Champagne fountains, caviar mountains, that's just a start!
Who's been here since day one?
Who's been faithful as a nun?
Who makes you chuckle with an old-timey pun?
Your executive producer? (That's true!)
I'm your guy, your day-to-day
Your chum, your steadfast hotelier
Remember when I fixed that clog today?
I was stuck, thank you sir! (Oh you!)
I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond (aw)
You're like the child that I wish that I had (uh, what?)
I care for you, just like a daughter I spawned (hold on now!)
It's a little funny, you could almost call me dad
They say, when you're looking for assistance
It's smart to pick the path of least resistance
Others say, that in your needy hour
There's no substitute for pure angelic power!
Who just happens to also be your blood!
Sadly, there are times a birth parent is a dud
They say the family you choose is better (what a bunch of losers)
Can you butt out of my song? (Your song? I started this!)
I'm singing it, I'll finish it! (Oh, you tacky piece of–)
It's me, yes, it's me
I know you were all waiting for me
I'm here, what a gas
Took a while, but I'm present at last
It's me, it's me
Translating hazbin song into Scottish Gaelic
ParanormalBasically, I've seen so many different versions of of the songs from the show but I want to share something with youse because fun fact one of the languages that I learn in School is Scottish Gaelic and I want to share some translations with your fo...