Here is the Scottish Gaelic version of the Song: Teàrlach!
Chan eil thu a 'tuigsinn
Cha bhi neamh a-riamh ag èisteachd
Cha do dh'èist iad rium, chan èist iad riut
Chan eil fios agad air sin!
Tha mi!
Cha robh fios agad air sin nuair a dh'fheuch mi seo uile roimhe
Bha mo bhruadar ro dhoirbh a dhìon
Agus aig a' cheann thall cha chaill mi a h-uile càil tuilleadh
A-nis is tusa an aon rud as fhiach sabaid air a shon
A bharrachd air rud sam bith
A bharrachd air rud sam bith
Bheir mi fasgadh dhut agus bheir mi barrachd air rud sam bith dhut
Dad, chan fheum mi thu gus mo dhìon bho seo
Chan eil mi dìreach airson gum bi thu air do phronnadh leotha mar
Mar a bha mi
Nuair a bha mi òg, cha robh mi eòlach ort idir
Bha mi an-còmhnaidh a' faireachdainn cho beag
Ach chuala mi na sgeulachdan agad agus bha mi air mo bheò-ghlacadh
Na sgeulachdan mu na aislingean àrda agad, dh'èist mi gun anail
Dh' fhaodadh gur e mise a th' ann
Mar sin aig a' cheann thall, is e an sealladh a bh' agam ort
Sheall sin dhomh gum b' fhiach sabaid airson aislingean
A bharrachd air rud sam bith
A bharrachd air rud sam bith
Feumaidh mi mo dhaoine a shàbhaladh nas motha na rud sam bith
Tha mi air a bhith a' bàsachadh gus faighinn a-mach cò thu
Tha mi air a bhith a' feitheamh, ag iarraidh an aon rud
Tha e coltach nach tuit an ubhal fada
Thug mi greis dhut (tha mi air an gàire sin a chall)
A h-uile rud a tha mi a 'leum', a-nis gu bheil mo shùilean fosgailte
An urrainn dhuinn tòiseachadh a-rithist
Gun a bhith air a tharraing às a chèile a-rithist
'Adhbhar aig a' cheann thall, tha thu nad phàirt de cò mise
Bheir mi taic don aisling agad ge bith dè a tha san stòr
(Agus cò dh'fhaodadh barrachd iarraidh?)
Barrachd air rud sam bith (barrachd air rud sam bith)
Barrachd air rud sam bith (barrachd air rud sam bith)
Tha mi taingeil gur tusa mo nighean (tha mi taingeil gur tusa m' athair)
A bharrachd air rud sam bith
A bharrachd air rud sam bithHere is the original version of the song: Charlie!
You don't understand
Heaven never listens
They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you
You don't know that!
I do!
You didn't know that when I tried this all before
My dreams were too hard to defend
And in the end I won't lose it all again
Now you're the only thing worth fighting for
More than anything
More than anything
I'll shelter and adore you more than anything
Dad, I don't need you to protect me from this
I just don't want you to be crushed by them like
Like I was
When I was young, I didn't really know you at all
I always felt so small
But I heard your stories and I was enthralled
The tales about your lofty dreams, I listened breathlessly
Imagining it could be me
So in the end, it's the view I had of you
That showed me dreams can be worth fighting for
More than anything
More than anything
I need to save my people more than anything
I've been dying to find out who you are
I've been waiting, wanting the same thing
Looks like the apple doesn't fall far
Took you a while (I've missed that smile)
All that I'm hopin', now that my eyes are open
Is that we can start again
Not be pulled apart again
'Cause in the end, you are part of who I am
I'll support your dream whatever lies in store
(And who could ask for more?)
More than anything (more than anything)
More than anything (more than anything)
I'm grateful you're my daughter (I'm grateful you're my father)
More than anything
More than anything
Translating hazbin song into Scottish Gaelic
ParanormalBasically, I've seen so many different versions of of the songs from the show but I want to share something with youse because fun fact one of the languages that I learn in School is Scottish Gaelic and I want to share some translations with your fo...