Chapter 10: Battling the Balrog

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We run out of the tomb chamber and back into the Dwarf Hall, all of us pushing ourselves to the limit.

I spare a glance over my shoulder, seeing hoards of Orcs appearing from every angle and with great speed, running and screeching as they chase their pray—chase us.

They sprout from cracks in the floor, scampering towards us at our sides and when I see Legolas glance up, I do the same, instantly regretting it when I see more of them climbing down from the ceiling.

We slow and then stop, our path ahead blocked as Orcs swarm around us, trapping us in a circle.

"Get back!" I say to the Hobbits, turning my back on them so they are in the middle, protected. I hiss and snarl at the creature ahead of me, who hisses back.

Before anything can be done, before anyone can move, a deep and bellowing growl sounds from behind the Orcs, almost directly in front of where I stand. In the doorway far back at the end of the hall, a bright red light flares.

They turn their heads and screech at each other and I tilt my head and frown at another roar, then watch as they scream and cry

The Orcs are running away.

They climb, scurry and hide and Gimli laughs at them as the cavern quickly becomes empty, but I stare at the bright light ahead of me. I feel the group turn, their expressions mirroring mine with concern and confusion.

"What is this new devilry?" Boromir asks quietly.

"Dragon?" I ask no one in particular, slightly hopeful if anything.

Silence befalls us as the light comes closer, but no beast emerges.

"A Balrog." Gandalf says. "A demon of the ancient world."

"No," I whisper as my face falls.

"This foe is beyond any of you—RUN!"

I turn, sheathe my sword and run after the others to the end of the hall and through a doorway, watching below as Legolas grabs a hold of Boromir, inches from falling off the edge of a broken stairwell. They collapse to the stairs behind them and we all stop, staring down at the vast space before us.

Tall stairs made of rock fill the entire space, but it is no easy path. Should we fall, it will be to our death.

"Lead them on, Aragorn." Gandalf says to him, a hand on his shoulder. "The bridge is near."

"This way!" I shout, not listening to Aragorn's response as I turn right and run down the stairs.

We turn left at a corner, continuing down and down until we reach a gap in the stairs. I don't falter, leaping easily across the space and landing safely. Legolas does the same and we stand side by side, looking back at our companions.

"Come on!" I shout frustratedly.

"We're not all as tall as you two!" Sam shouts back.

"Gandalf!" Legolas beckons.

The wizard jumps, Legolas catching him and helping to find his footing.

I quickly duck, letting an arrow slide through the air past my head. Turning, I grab Legolas' bow from his hands and three arrows from the quiver at his back.

"Hey!" He shouts, turning to me.

"Help them!" I spin, facing the rock across the hall high above us as arrows continue to shoot towards us.

Aiming, I pull back my arm and fire, not bothering to watch my arrow find its mark before aiming and shooting the next. An Orc falls to the depths below. Then the next.

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