Chapter 19: A fair trade

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We file out of Edoras, and with not enough horses, I still sit behind Aragorn on Hasufel, the townspeople behind us with their most earthly belongings.

We ride for the entire day, and as the sun starts to fade we make camp for the night along the trail. I glance around from where I stand, feeling uneasy with this many innocent, unarmed people scattered around in the open.

Beside me, Aragorn sits to clean his sword. After awhile of silence between us, he glances to me. "You are uncharacteristically quiet today."

"I thought you may prefer my silence." I reply, watching a few children run past us.

Aragorn sighs and puts down his sword, "Amariel...I know you care deeply for my fate, but it is not one to be made by you cutting down everyone in our path by sharp blades or words." He inclines his head. "It is a longer road than that, my friend."

"This is a long road." I say, indicating to our path. "And you are too soft when it comes to your own fate. Why did you not fight Theoden against this?" I hiss quietly, "Aragorn, honu i ngellui na lir na gîl."
(Aragorn, we lead these people to their deaths.)

"He is their king." He states, looking up at me.

"You are a king, too."

"A king with no crown." He shakes his head. "A king does not make."

Frowning, I rear my head back. "That makes no sense, brother."

He smiles, shaking his head at me. "Why don't you help Legolas up ahead, hm? Go and use your Elf eyes to scout the path." I hesitate, and he senses it. "What?" He turns his head to me, but I look away. "Did you fight?"

"No. I just...said some things."

"Your true feelings?" He laughs lightly, "At last."

"No." I grumble. "Wait," I turn to him sharply. "What true feelings do you mean?"

"Amariel," he chuckles, leaning back, "for months now we have been on this journey, and for months I have seen you look more and more at our dear friend. Hm? Nîr am nauthiel?"
(Do you think I'm blind?)

"I think you should worry about the love in your own life." Huffing, I fold my arms across my chest.

"Oh, I worry." He shakes his head, his voice quiet. "I worry plenty."

I hesitate, "She will be fine."

Aragorn turns his head slightly, saying quietly. "You've always been a terrible liar." He smiles then, "It's how I know you did not fall off that log from—what was it? Ah, dew."

I inhale a sharp breath. "Nothing happened."

"If it did, I do not want to know." He shakes his head.

"Nothing happened," I repeat, sharper.

"Alright!" He chuckles. "Then go, the two of you have been friends far longer than we have—whatever you said to him can be cast aside. We have a job to help these people." He nods to the path. "Go on, go."

I sigh, but before I can leave, Eowyn approaches us with a pot. Hit steam rises out of it...along with a horrid smell that has my nose scrunching.

"I made some stew." She says sheepishly. "It isn't much, but it's hot." She fills a bowl and holds it out to me.

I look down at it, and wave polite hand. "No, thank you. I can last a while without provisions." I try to smile.

"Oh, of course. I'm sorry, I forget how different Elf-kind are to us." She retracts her hand then offers it to Aragorn, who accepts it with both hands and inclines his head to her.

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