Chapter 27: The argument

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Once everyone has returned to the keep and all wounded and dead accounted for, Theoden calls for his people to return home. The Uruks in Fangorn have been taken care of and we would be journeying to Isengard to see Saruman's end.

Our company ride out to the top of the plain, stopping to look out at the stormy, red sky.

"Sauron's wrath will be terrible, his retribution swift." Gandalf says. "The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle-Earth is about to begin." He pauses, looking to Aragorn. "All our hope now lies with two little Hobbits...somewhere in the wilderness."

I look out at the storm, lightning striking across the sky, and hope that Frodo and Sam are faring well on their journey.

"Now." Gandalf says. "To Isengard."


We journey for the remainder of the day and although we would prefer to continue on through the night, Aragorn and the men around us need rest, especially after battling through the night.

We make camp within a small clearing of the forest, a few us restless in its presence.

Sitting beside Gimli who is content smoking his pipe, I stare into the flames of the fire before us, silently mourning Haldir, Daria, and the Elven soldiers, as none made it out alive.

"It is so dark." Eomer says, looking up to the sky. "There are no clouds, yet the stars do not shine."

"They are fading." I say quietly, all eyes turn to me, yet I continue to stare into the fire. "As all evil spreads through the world, they cannot bear to witness it."

"You speak as if they are sentient." He watches me carefully.

I look up to him then and quirk an eyebrow. "Are they not?" He frowns slightly. "All that breathes and burns is sentient, my Lord." I look away from him again. "Even if you cannot sense it."

"I never thanked you, Amariel." Theoden speaks up. Slowly, I lift my eyes to him across the fire. "Your kin came to our aid at your request."

"Do not thank me, Sir," I say with a slightly bitter tone, "for watching them die whilst I still breathe."

Theoden looks away—in shame? I cannot tell.

"Nâl hîr nallë." Aragorn says quietly from beside me, lying on the ground with his pipe.
(He meant no offence.)

I turn to him then. "Nallë? Nûrë na nallë, manenlye úvëa melme ennië raudoin." I say sharply.
(Offence? Do not talk to me of offence, when you disregard my sister's eternal love.)

I look away from him, still seething from Eowyn's blatant feelings for him. The relief and love shining on her face that I saw earlier is the same feeling I get when I see Legolas emerge unharmed from any battle we face—when I see him at any time.

It is how I know Eowyn's feelings for Aragorn are true...because I know my feelings for him are true as well.

Confused, Aragorn's eyebrow lifts slightly, and he sits up and turns to me, his face set in a somewhat angry expression.

"Nîr i thêl na vedui melin, ach na-cheno i dae." He tells me quietly, our companions watching us in curiosity, though only Legolas and Gandalf can understand.
(Your sister will forever hold my heart, but she is leaving this world.)

"You are a fool if you believe that, Aragorn," I hiss, turning to him with a glare.

Gandalf clears his throat through his pipe, watching us carefully before glancing to Legolas. Theoden and Eomer exchange a nervous look, unsure of what we are speaking of.

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